Never Been So Excited

I paid $30, plus $10 shipping! $8 for the black devil, $14 for the blue, $4 for each of the females
D: my phone just showed me the e-mail the breeder sent me on Monday! There was a storm so he couldn't send them this week! Hes sending them out next week, and so, I just noticed he has some black orchid crowntails, and I just got two empty tank (well, a 10 gallon and I have a divider - it used to hold a crawfish I just regimes) so I'm thinking of getting a pair.... XD what do you guys think? Should I??
My mom is going to have a heart attack XD we're moving to a new house, and I'll be getting the smallest bedroom. Deal was, I get to have as many fish tanks as I can fit in my room and one in the living room if I'll accept the smallest room! My room will be a betta heaven XD as well as killifish, shrimp, snails... and I'm thinking of trying new ones, depends on what people recommend I try on my website! I just paid for the Black Orchids, they will be shipped on Monday!
I matter how small this room is, you could definitely cram a bunch of tanks in.

I have a very small room, and i bet i could have....10 tanks of maybe 20 gallons
I matter how small this room is, you could definitely cram a bunch of tanks in.

I have a very small room, and i bet i could have....10 tanks of maybe 20 gallons

Exactly! I'm going to shove my bed in a corner, throw a desk in there, and the rest is fish heaven.... I don't even need a dresser - I get a walk-in closet! XD I'm getting 6 bettas this month, and in late April, planning on three more, and June I'm thinking I might try breeding, depending on if I think I'm knowledgeable enough for it!

You dont plan to sell any of those beautiful fish, just eggs?

I might sell the adults/young adults as well, just depends on how they go :) i absolutely adore them, my other favorite is this one:

They're next on my list!

And betta breeding, just as a hobby, I might try and sell some, but more likely I'll end up giving away most of them XD

Also, I'm trying to decide what to decorate each of the tanks with when we get them. So, heres the tanks i'm planning:
5 gallon male Halfmoon plakat
5 gallon male halfmoon betta
5 gallon male crowntail betta
5 gallon male mystery betta (whatever catches my eye and makes me want it REALLY REALLY bad haha)
10 gallon community female betta tank
1 killi tank

So, i'm trying to decide what to do for decor for each, because I want to have fun different ones!
So, i'm thinking for the female bettas, a wine glass decor thing, I noticed another user had that, and i think it looks awesome, so, i'm going to steal it!
The killifish will have a lego themed decor, something fun and different
I'm thinking of a coffee themed one, what do you think? If so, which betta?
I'm not one for veiltail bettas, but this is a stunning one! If i could, I'd take him, but I don't have a tank for him XD
What do you mean? Annual means that they only live a year, because in nature, their ponds would probably only be wet for about a year, so they weren't designed to live longer than that really, thus they are called "annuals" like the same classification for plants

I stole the lego idea, so I can't take credit for that

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