Need Help...asap!

Stick to same thread or its gets comfusing.
If you have to preform a water change during a med course you just add the correct amount of med back to water removed.

Did you buy another filter to cope with the load of fish in the tank.

I am just wondering if anyone can tell me what's the best filter to get for my tank. Any suggestions? I am in UK by the way.
If the tank 60 litres run a fluval 2 with the filter you have.
Thanks so much for everyone that helped me with this problem.
More power!
Have you added a new filter.
If so squeeze some bacteria onto the news sponges off the old filter sponges, Soak them in tank water first.
Have you added a new filter.
If so squeeze some bacteria onto the news sponges off the old filter sponges, Soak them in tank water first.

I tried to buy a new filter but my LFS asked me why, so I said that I am overstocked and just needed a new filter to cope. Then he asked me about my weekly maintenance and how I clean my filter sponges.

Q and A:

Q: How much water change I do?
A: Once a week 20 litres, every Sunday/Monday.
Q: Do I clean the gravel and filter sponges?
A: Yes, everytime I do water change.
Q: Do I clean the filter sponges with tap or old tank water?
A: I clean the sponges with old tank water.

Out of these he thought that I might be over cleaning my tank. And his avice would be to:

Do 5 litres of water changes with gravel cleaning twice a week, that's a total of 10 litres a week.
Change the white sponge every 2 weeks, every week if required.
Change the black or carbon sponge once a month.
Clean the Nitrate (green) sponge once in every 3 months.
Clean the blue sponge once in 4-6 months.

Then if I still don't see any difference in my water readings then I can come back and get the filter. But he was quite sure I am over cleaning my tank and he strongly adviced me to try the regime first before spending so much to an additional filter. Does anyone thinks the same? Or is he totally wrong?
What allowed of rubbish.

So he told you to maintain the tank twice a week as you are over cleaning. So if you are over cleaning why he told you to maintain it twice a week. Dosn't make sense to me.
Black carbon is a complete waste of money to use all the time. Its only good for removing meds. Black carbon only works for to 2 to 9 days.
Juwel nitrate spongs are not proven that they work and another complete waste of money. Should replace them every 4 to 6 weeks.
The blue sponge only touch one at a time, rinse one of the sponges when its really mucked up. You touch the other sponge a few weeks later.

I would go the another lfs and buy another filter.
You have too many fish so you need to clean less?????? Are they mad.

Don't listen to that lfs, what a load of tosh.

You have ammonia from your filter not coping with the bioload of the tank, if the fish stay in those conditions for the amount of time he tells you to try his way, you will end up with dead fish. He is telling you to remove more media than anyone on here would ever tell you to remove and replace.

Here is the way I see it, you buy lots of new media at X amount per month, plus you lose all your fish in the meantime Y amount to replace them all. You buy a new filter at Z amount, X + Y = way more money out of you than Z would be for a new filter.

Please do not listen to that lfs, they are giving you wrong advice, go to another lfs and buy another filter, do not even get into a discussion with them about why you want it, you have a right to purchase anything you want especially something that will save your fishes lives.
The lfs are trying to make more money out of you by buying new fish all the time, and buying black carbon and nitrate sponges. He will make more money out of it than just buying another filter.

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