Near The End Of My Fishless Cycle.... Hopefully.


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Berkshire, United Kingdom
Hello all,

This is my first Topic, and I have got to say that this site rocks.

Okay, I set up my Juwel Vision 180 (180 litres) with a Fluval 305 filter, aquarium sand and 5 plants etc, please see below:

I'm really excited about it and luckily I was given around 55 litres of LFS system water to help start me off with the cycle. I finished setting up the aquarium 5 days ago and have just left it with the filter running, the lights coming on for 6 hours a day. I have just performed a water test and the results were:
pH - 8.0
NH3 - 0
NO2 - 0.5
NO3 - 30 (approx)

I was quite suprised about the Nitrate level until I tested my tap water and found that it has a level of about 10ppm in there, still didn't think that it was going to raise that high though, even so I did a 10 - 20% water change.

Anyway my question is this, I was recommended by the LFS to introduce hardy fish after a week, I was obviously going to wait until I was happy with the water quality first, so what should the level reading be before I consider introducing these fish?

I think I've added everything here, if not please let me know.

Thank you very much

PS I read so much on this site and I think you guys are extremely knowledgable and very nice people to spend so much time sharing it - cheers.

Please fishless cycle your tank. The water you were given will have done absolutely nothing to help prepare your tank for your fish. The staff at your LFS will also tell you that a fishless cycle is total rubbish circulated on the internet and that their way of cycling your tank with fish is fine cos that's how its always been done.

In my sig. is a link to a fishless cycling method called add & wait that has been used successfully by hundreds of members in this site from newbies to experts. Please don't cycle with fish as it's cruel and puts your initial fish at great risk and stress.

While you are doing your fishless cycle it gives you time to look up the fish you may want to get and also to read all the pinned articles in this forum and the tropical chat one.


Please fishless cycle your tank. The water you were given will have done absolutely nothing to help prepare your tank for your fish. The staff at your LFS will also tell you that fishless cycle is a load of rubbish and that their way of cycling your tank with fish is fine.

In my sig. is a link to a fishless cycling method called add & wait that has been used successfully by hundreds of members in this site from newbies to experts. Please don't cycle with fish as it's cruel and puts your initial fish at great risk.


Hi JonesUK,

I had no intension of adding any fish unless the tank was ready for them, I have read up on the fishless topic you mention and think it is wonderful. I thought that considering I have already started with the water from an established tank I wouldn't be able to do the methods he recommends.

That is why I am asking for recommendations for the water quality and not steaming straight in and getting fish.

I'm looking forwatd to adding fish but I'm not impatient, so if I have to wait for a month I will wait.

Thank you for your advice anyway.

Water, even from a mature tank contain very little if any bacteria. Even if there were any present and they managed to colonise your filter they have nothing to feed on in your tank. Bacteria in the filter of a mature tank, feed on the ammonia produced by fish wee and poop. You have no fish at the moment so any bacteria that did get into your filter from your matured water will have died by now.

The fishless cycle, mimics the action of fish pooping and weeing in the tank by adding pure ammonia from a bottle instead.

Water, even from a mature tank contain very little if any bacteria. Even if there were any present and they managed to colonise your filter they have nothing to feed on in your tank. Bacteria in the filter of a mature tank, feed on the ammonia produced by fish wee and poop. You have no fish at the moment so any bacteria that did get into your filter from your matured water will have died by now.

The fishless cycle, mimics the action of fish pooping and weeing in the tank by adding pure ammonia from a bottle instead.



Thank you very much for explaining that, it's common sense when you think of it. Of course the bacteria needs feeding too - doh! Makes sense when you think about it.

I'll purchase the ammonia today and start it this evening, thanks again.

PS Do you think it will be okay to have plants in there or would it be better to remove them, I wouldn't want dead plants in there.

Jonesy is right the bacteria is not sessile, it doesn't live free swimming on the water so lfs water will make no difference to your cycling process.

re plants IMO it's best to leave them out for now, they can use up ammonia and mess with your cycle, it's a relativley small risk but i'd just leave it without plants for now and add some later on.
Agreed. Your plants will just sit there looking lonely and are not that helpful in a cycling tank.

Things to get for your fishless cycle include:

Household ammonia (Homebase has it in the cleaning section)
A dropper (Most fish meds have one)
A test kit for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate (Most people here use Aquarium Pharmaseuticals API Freshwater Master Test Kit)
Patience (Takes 4 - 6 weeks BUT........... You can fully stock your tank 100% over a few days from finishing your fishless cycle)

ps if you can get some ceramic media and sponge from a mature tank the time taken to complete the cycle can drop to as little as a week so is highly recommended.

good luck

Thank you both I really appreciate it.

I've just come back from Homebase and it is called Household Ammonia and it was in the cleaning section, rock on :)

I went passed my LFS to ask them about seeing if they had any mature media (even if I purchased a new one and swapped it with them) but they said they didn't have any. Shame really because even though he knew his stuff, he was hinting on me buying some 'Trash Fish' as they call them - I was disgusted and I think he saw it in my face. He said well it all depends on how long you want to wait, so I said 'as long as it takes to make sure my fish will be living in a very happy and balanced environment' - thank god for you guys x :)

Anyway, here goes.... Sorry plants but it's night night for you guys and heeelooo to the smelly stuff phew!

Cheers again
Thank you both I really appreciate it.

I've just come back from Homebase and it is called Household Ammonia and it was in the cleaning section, rock on :)

I went passed my LFS to ask them about seeing if they had any mature media (even if I purchased a new one and swapped it with them) but they said they didn't have any. Shame really because even though he knew his stuff, he was hinting on me buying some 'Trash Fish' as they call them - I was disgusted and I think he saw it in my face. He said well it all depends on how long you want to wait, so I said 'as long as it takes to make sure my fish will be living in a very happy and balanced environment' - thank god for you guys x :)

Anyway, here goes.... Sorry plants but it's night night for you guys and heeelooo to the smelly stuff phew!

Cheers again

You know why you get a bloomin' great big bottle of ammonia although you only need about an egg cup full? Well, it's for when you give it a sniff (we all do) and it blows the top of your head off and you drop the bottle, so you still have some left to do your fishless cycle! :lol:
He said well it all depends on how long you want to wait, so I said 'as long as it takes to make sure my fish will be living in a very happy and balanced environment' - thank god for you guys x :)

:clap: :kana:

excellent, that is exactly the sort of attitude we try to encourage in fishkeepers

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