Nano Wavebox

You could TRY an E. quadricolor but I don't know how successful that would be. If you do, I'd suggest bucking the trend a little bit since you know what you're doing chemistry wise CF. I'd suggest putting it in the tank as one of the first inhabitants and seeing if it finds a place it likes. It'll walk around till it finds a good spot, or it'll keep walking... If it walks for more than 2-3 days straight, your light levels and/or flow conditions probably are not suitable for it.

I have been looking into it and have found I am really not sure that even an E. Quadricolor could tolerate such low lighting. Most of the articles relating to this anemone thriving in low light conditions has been where the lighting system was composed of at least 4 tubes. I only have three and they are pretty low wattage to what I am use to. I am interested in your suggestion, but my only hesitation is that if lighting is incorrect where do I put the anemone. The other thing which is putting me off is that yesterday I found out that the anemone the previous guy had started out at about 6-7 inches in diameter and it now is only 2-3 inches. That 'weight loss' has been over 14 months although he did stop feeding it 12 months ago. His reasons are complex but the bottom line is that it was an error on his part. I have encouraged him to start feeding again and he is going to, fingers crossed it's not too late.

As for the frogspawn it will be moving over in a week or two when, hopefully, I have found that chemical equilbrium. I am really looking forward to getting it away from the halide which is doing it no favours. I should have mentioned that the setup of this tank is following the break down of my Lido so the rock, filter sponges and fishes (Maroon clown, Sixline wrasse and Arc-eye Hawk fish) have all moved into their bigger 'home'. I have noticed since the move two days ago that the fishes are absolutely loving the extra space!! I did want break down my 24g as well but can't as Ted and Doll, the Ocellaris clowns, won't play nice with Monty the Maroon clown.... or should that be the other way round :rolleyes:....

As I mentioned above spoke to a guy at the LFS about possible Tangs, Angelfish and Butterflyfish I could try, he suggested a Yellow tang, Purple tang and Scopas tang, Copperband Butterflyfish and Long Nosed Butterflyfish. I know for a fact that both of the butterflyfish would die rapidly in this tank, it is far too small and feeding them would be a nightmare. Not sure about the tangs I feel as I have always stated that they require at least 75g but I can feel that illogical 'it will be alright' drawing me in to the next purchase. What are your opinions on the matter. Any suggestions for tangs, angels and butterflyfish that could realistic live in a 50g? Remember to exclude the dwarfangels, I know they would be fine.

Thanks for the help

I didn't like the way it pushes the corals, first one way and then the other way in such a uniform rythem, just didn't look right

Have you considered that whilst it might not be what you liked from an asthetic point of view, it is far closer to nature than having a constant flow from 1-4 spots as most tanks have?

Having dived a few reefs (in the tropics, the med and the UK) my experience is that a wavebox is far closer to the wild than a few powerheads.


Absolutly agree it is more natural, although i don't as you say have a 'few powerheads' - I have a 22000 Polario. The motion made me feel quite Nauseas :sick:

CF - really my nems are doing great under the T5s, they are not wandering around and are growing nicely :good: I luv em :wub:


Not quite a fts - only got my camera phone at the moment

Seffie x

Never heard of the polario just had a browse and it likes interesting. It is also comparible price wise with the nano wavebox.

Never heard of the polario just had a browse and it likes interesting. It is also comparible price wise with the nano wavebox.


got mine on special offer from aquacadabra for £180. Have you read Ben's review in the Findependent?

Seffie x

Never heard of the polario just had a browse and it likes interesting. It is also comparible price wise with the nano wavebox.


got mine on special offer from aquacadabra for £180. Have you read Ben's review in the Findependent?

Seffie x


Seffie, what is the Findependent?? I read what he said in his journal.
Was I on holiday??

How on earth did I miss that.

I seem to be stuck in Marine section just lately, don't even venture to New World Cichlids or Catfish where I used to live anymore.
I took the plunge today and got a nano wavebox at hideous price of £220. Just set it up and my first impressions are as Steffie says it is excessively and irritatingly noisy and basically a waste of money, electricity and time. It is all sales talk and nothing in the item. What is unbelievable is that they market this for aquariums 150-600 liters and even now when tune to the resonant frequency of my tank it is bearly creating a wave. It is useless as Ski says about JEBO skimmers "not worth the plastic it's made out of". I will let it run for a few days but I will take this back to the shop if it doesn't improve; there is no way on earth that this confounds to the sales description.

so Andy, do you really believe we can ever come close to a real 'natural' reef, when there are so many variables?

Close is relative. I believe we can get closer than most people run, and that includes the Tunze waveboxes. It may be that the nano wavebox doesn't work too great. I have only ever used the full powered one which does a very nice job:

Most people do not want a natural tank. Real nature is very different to most people's perceptions. No planted tanks are natural, and few people go to the effort of having clay water with zero vis and rotting vegetation for a substrate to keep Amazonian species.

Likewise, in nature the reefs are very different to how we often perceive them. Few people want the often varying conditions of a reef in their tank, but prefer to believe that SW fish have evolved to be incapable of any change in their environment. In reality we are all just creating something which is either aesthetically pleasing to our eyes, or is functional to prompt breeding. Few people really want a natural tank.
That is what I was hoping for Andy some nice 'naturally' water movement, but got absolutely nowhere near it. I took it back to the shop and managed to get a refund but at the expense of being told "not to come back to the shop, because I'm a PITA". It is such a shame because although the prices are a little on the high side I always told everyone that you got quality service and items from this shop. It appears that this is only the case if you are making purchases and never return with a problem. Besides not creating the current I wanted it also kicked away from the glass when the motor started.

Never mind, hopefully time will be a healer and they will welcome my custom once more

Sorry your experience was the same as mine CF, don't be tempted by the Polario either - it is also noisy, so noisy when it clicks from side to side that I have turned mine off and only run it from the left side, mind you it sure does kick out some flow, it's just very irrirating hearing the change of sides every fifteen seconds :crazy: does your head in. Now if you are happy to just use one side, because it does throw out a powerful amount of flow then go ahead and get it. But I am getting more and more tempted by the vortech, although having read about those as well they seem to be noisy as well. I have lately been thinking of going back to the less noisy streams or korallias

Seffie x

Same here I think it is just plain old circulation pumps for me too!! I bought the Tunze 6025 from the same shop and it is really good. The nano wavebox just doesn't work very well and in my case very badly. That is not to say the wavebox does not work; from the video clip Andy posted it appears to give really good results, but the nano version is no where near this. I think this is what upset the manager I expressed the opinion that it wasn't the quality I have come to expect from tunze and he took that as a criticism about his shop not selling good quality equipment. It wasn't aimed at him it is what it appears at face value. I would like to know how that unit was suppose to cope with 600 litres when it gave such bad results in a 140 litre aquarium??

Anyway in the past now I must search out a supplier of koralia or tunze powerheads or I'm without circulation.


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