Okay. I took out a lot of the shells. I mainly had them in there for the jawfish so he could use whatever he wanted, and for the hermit crabs. So I took out all of the shells that were way too big or too small for the hermits, and so now there's only a few small ones in there. Kite is eating well, he swims around a lot too. The shrimp are best friends, they both hang upside down on the heater all day and when the actinics come on, they both go up to the powerheads.

The pinkbar goby is doing good, too. He stays in his den all the time but he eats the food that drifts by. I added another maxijet pointed at the surface. So... I still need:
- another seio or a koralia
- HOB filter for 'fuge
- more fish (next fish will probably be clownfish)
- more live rock
- something to keep the tank covered
Right now I'm using a screen for a 20g tank and some kind of plastic that's used in those plant trays. It looks pretty ugly, so I'm trying to get something else to use.
- better food
The only food they had at the pet shop was "Omega One flakes" so I'm feeding them that, and frozen bloodworm until I can get some mysis or something better.