N3Ont3Tra's 37G Reef Tank Journal

pH will fluctuate wildly with a new tank, so just let it do its thing :)
Okay, ammonia has been zero since Saturday, so on Sunday I bought some snails and a cleaner shrimp and five hermit crabs. They should get here tomarrow.

Does anyone know if it would be okay to feed the shrimp frozen bloodworm or freshwater flake foods?
That'll be fine, but just feed it maybe twice a week and just a little bit. No need to overdo it
Okay well the snails and hermits came on Tuesday but the shrimp was on backorder. They all seem to be doing good, I like the scarlet hermits. No pics this time. I'm going on vacation from the 11th to the 25th of August and then after that I'll get a powerhead, more live rock, a filter, and eventually fish.

Sooo my new question is:
Will the inverts keep the tank cycled until then?
You tank will remain cycled. I don't think you can uncycle a tank with cured rock in it to be honest...as long as your powerheads don't crap out on you.

Just keep your lights on a timer and put 4 or 5 towels on the floor just in case catastrophies from somewhere.

Hope you have a nice upcomming vacation!
Someone will be at the house to feed the FW fish and the cat and get the mail and stuff... if a tank breaks, I'm sure he'll call.
GOod luck on your SW tank I've been reading mroe and more on how to do this as I'm wanting to set one up.. Costs lost of money to do so... But it's worth the money(IMHO)... Good Luck and have fun with it.. Also have fun on ur Vaca...
Now there's tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of bad algae.

So my CUC is:
4 trochus snails
6 nerite snails
5 scarlet hermits
and a fighting conch.

And they aren't doing much.

There's a few different types of algae.
One just looks like the rock turned brown
Another is like brown fur on the rocks
Then there's hair algae.
And the substrate is turning brown too.
And there's some stuff that looks like red velcro (the rough side) if that makes sense.

So... what should I get that will eat all that?





Diatoms, hair algae..normal for a newly established tank.

You might want to think of getting some more snails including Nassarius Snails and Astraea Conehead Snail.

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