Myxazin And Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria

The red patch is it bemeath the skin or on top.
No if dosn't sound good for the poor fish bless him.
Sounds like septicemia set in.

I'd say it's just underneath the skin, although only just as it's blood red, very clearly blood.
It's h septicemia. Sorry fogotten how to spell it now.
OK thanks.

I guess he hasn't got long.

Bet your getting sick of this thread!!!!!
It's h septicemia. Sorry fogotten how to spell it now.

hemorrhage septicemia.
Don't worry not sick of your thread. I know what it like to have sick fish and be worried.
I had times like you where everything seems to go wrong at the same time.
Interpet anti internal bacteria med a better choice for septicmia, but it hard to cure once it's advanced. as its blood poisoning.
Just read on wikipedia about it. Definitely is this. I think it's in it's advanced stages as he's spinning a little whilst swimming. What would be the best thing to do, let him live his last few hours or end it for him (although, I've never done this before so wouldn't know the best way)?
Fish start to spin where there dying.

Its up to you. This is what I do to put a fish out of its misery.
Get a jug of very cold water and add ice cubes till the water freezing cold. Put the jug of cold water in the freezer till a thin sheet of ice forms on the top if you have no ice cubes.
Place the fish in the jug, it won't take long for it to pass on. Leave the fish in the jug a while just to make sure its passed away.
Make sure gills are not moving.
I know im a few years late but want to prevent others from taking any advice in this thread, what a shambles.
NEVER mix meds NEVER!!!!!!!!
NEVER euthanise a fish with cold water and ice!!!! NEVER!!! it takes a while to die and how do you think a fish will feel slowly turning into an ice cube? the cells form tiny icicles - its a very painful death.
best way is to slowly add clove oil, small ammounts will sedate, so once sedated you can slowly add more clove and this will humanley euthanise the poor buggers, leave the fish in the water container you use to euthanise it in for a few hours to make sure it has worked.
With all the forums and info on the net i find it frustrating that you went into panic mode changing one med for another and mixing! a little googling would have told you that this stresses and makes fish worse. 3 days was not enough time to let it work, you should of run the course and if no better you start it again..myxazin is much better than interpet, and melafix should of been used wen myxazine had done its job with the fish fully improved, being added a day or 2 after myxazine finished and carbon run to remove whats left, then the melafix then works to make sure illness dont return (so long as water chemistry fine and water kept clean)
Pickled78, please dont bump very old threads. This was in 2009. Even if you have issues with it. For one thing, the OP did not mix meds. A large water change was done first before another dose of the first medicine was due. As for euthanizing, clove oil is probably the best, but i've used ice water for my small fish and it works in under 5 seconds(you dont freeze the fish, you add it to freezing water). Almost instant most of the time. Just each his own. And each person on here can make their own decision. Hopefully they will post a new thread if they need help and see only some old information that is seven years old.

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