Myxazin And Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria

Signs of finrot are.
Cloudy looking fins or translucent fins.
Fins that stick together with excess slime.
Holes in fins.
White or red edging to fins.
Red streaks in fins.
Fins falling apart.
Raggy looking fins.
The fins are cloudy looking with bits missing like the picture above, and raggy looking.

@Minxfishy, water stats are ok, meds haven't knocked the tank at all. Did a big 80% water change a few days ago, so I think overall the water quality should be OK.

Thanks again guys.

Edit: I've put 3 of the fish into the quarantine tank, I've put myxazin and pimafix in there. Really need to stop the spread of infection in the main tank, so hopefully this is the best thing to do. I'm also going to carry on with the treatment in the main tank, just to be on the safe side.
The myxazin would of been fine on its own but never mind.
Hope there fins heal soon. Once fins heal just add some melafix after running black carbon.
Melafix is good once fins are healing it stops infection.
I'll get some melafix next week once i've run the course of myxazin.

Hopefully, now I've got the hospital tank, this will stem the spread of infections.
Just thought i'd put an update on about the fish.
All the fish in the hospital tank (had to put 4 in there in the end) seem to be fine, 2 had fin rot and are pretty much back to health, probably a couple of days and they should be ok. One is completely recovered from all signs of ilness so will be entering the main tank again anytime soon.

There is one fish I'm a bit baffled about, it's the first one that got ill (Madagascan rainbow). There are no cotton wool type marks at all, no fungus type bits at all. But on the mouth it looks like whatever infection it had has left a growth, it's mouth now juts out slightly. Would this be normal after columnaris??? I'm going to keep it in the hospital tank for a little longer that the rest just to be on the safe side, but wanted to ask if this is normal.

Can you describe the growth in more detail on the mouth. Did the mouth start to rot away.
is it possible to load a pic up and enlarge it.
I'll see if I can get a picture but may be a bit tricky as she's rather camera shy lol!!

Basically, it looks as if it's a little bit added onto the mouth. When the infection started, it was like a lump of cotton wool stuck onto the mouth that flapped about, that has all gone, but seems to have left a bit on the mouth so to speak as if the jaw has extended.
I would leave her issolated and go in with another round of meds.
Thanks. Second round of meds it is.

Tried to get a picture, but none seem to come out well all very blurry.
Need to get rid of the growth. If its bacterial the med should help.
If the mouth deformed can't do much about that.
Good Luck.
If it's not gone after another week of meds, I guess it's a deformity (I hope).
I would just do another round of meds if they growth still there.
If its a bone deformity nothing to be done.
It's never ending, just never ending.

New problem I think, but may be connected.

I've a golden panchax in the hospital tank with the others, and today he has this big blood red mark/blotch near it's head, also it's swimming upright, and also twisting aroung. I don't think it's personally got long left by the way it's moving around. The tank is already being dosed with myxazin, so can't put anything else in there, pics below show the blotch and how it's swimming:



Any idea's??? is there anything I can do, pretty gutted as this one was in a bad way a week and a half ago, then it's got better pretty much, swimming around eating clolour looking real good, then all of a sudden this.
The red patch is it bemeath the skin or on top.
No if dosn't sound good for the poor fish bless him.
Sounds like septicemia set in.

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