Myxazin And Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria

I've been using myxazin for 3 days. Would it be to dangerous to put the Interpet med in right away??? I''m just filling up from a 50% water change.
Its not wise to mix med as you can overdose if they have the same ingredients. Otr some ingredients that don't mix with one another if you know what I mean.

Can you issolate the really sick fish and use the interpet med.
Not possible until tomorrow at the earliest, couldn't get a smaller tank till tomorrow.
its up to you if you risk adding the med.
Interpet Med Active Ingredients Contains:

Bronopol 522mg
Formaldehyde 900mg
Benzalkonium chloride 250mg

Myxozide Active Ingredients
Malachite Green
Acriflavine Hydrochloride

I'm no chemist, so I have no idea whether any of these are going do bad things when mixed. I'll fill my tank up then decide what to do.
Both meds have formaldehyde in there product, so you could end up over dosing. Don't know the dosing on formaldehyde anyway.
You could make the water change 75% then maybe add the med.
I don't think I would risk it.
The med might be to late for some anyway.
It's going to be a long night.

I think i'll do the 75% water change, then put in interpet no 9. I'm not to worried about the formaldehyde as I was due to put another dose of Myxazin in, but i'll keep an eye on the fish anyhow, better safe than sorry.

Hopefully I'm doing the right thing the fish, I hope so anyway. I'll post back to tell whether there were any adverse reactions in the tank or not with the Myxazin and Interpet No .9, my be handy for other people for future reference.
Good Luck.
The BGK died earlier today. I think by the time I'd found something wrong it was to late. The base of his tail looked as if it had gone completely, and his face was gaunt when he died. The only visible sign before that was the pinkish marks like I described above. Pretty gutted as I'd had it for well over a year now.

When I put the Interpet med into the tank, there were no adverse effects with mixing it with the myxazin, but anything left of the myxazin would have been diluted by the 80% water change.

Whilst changing the water I found one of my Angels had what looked like a small bit of fungus on the side of it's body, but that seems to have cleared up now, the Golden Panchax with fungus on the mouth has pretty much been cleared up, only a very very tiny mark on it's mouth. The Madagascan Rainbow (who was the first fish to get infected) still has a noticeable mark/growth on it's mouth, so although it hasn't cleared up much, it hasn't got any worse. All the above fish are swimming fine, eating well. So hopefully, it looks as if I'm getting somewhere with clearing it up, but I'm not out of the woods yet.
Bless Him R.I.P. Sorry but it did sound like it was getting abit to late for him. He really needed antibiotics in issolation.
Let me know how the fish gets on with the lump or growth on the mouth.
Update for today.

Another fish seems to have finrot on it's caudal fin. Now I'm not sure if this will be culmnaris or finrot. There are no cotton wool like marks, or fungus, just pieces of the fin missing, the fish seems to be fine, swimming about eating etc. I've just bought a 6.5g clearseal tank for a quarantine tank as this looks different to culmnaris that I already have, and I was going to treat this with Interpet No 8, but before I do I would like to see what others thought. Keep it in the main tank and treat as culmnaris, or quarantine, and treat as finrot. I've looked at loads of pictures and read a bit more about it, and can't see any resemblance to culmnaris with this one.

So at the moment, BGK died, 1 angel treated successfully, 2 fish with culmnaris, and 1 unknown.

This is turning out to be a nightmare, when I think I'm over the worst, BAM, there's another problem to deal with!!!
Issolate the fish the finrot and treat for finrot if your completely sure it isnt the same thing. Have you tested the water stats lately?

Sorry to hear about the ghost, unfortunatley they are very sensitive and all the meds probably wouldnt have helped.
Can you dsecribe in more detail what you an see on the fish as not quite sure what you mean.

If there been no nipping the bacterial med should clear the finrot up.
Basically a small part of the fin has disappeared, not a lot but enough to notice. It's looks like this but nowhere near as bad:


As you've said, the bacterial med should clear it up (me being dumb lol).

What I'm thinking of doing, is moving the 3 infected fish into the new hospital tank I've bought, to stop the spread, and then treat with the original meds, myxazin and pimafix. The fish in question are 2 golden panchax, and 1 madagascan rainbow. I'm just thinking the size of it may be to small though, or would it be ok for a week or so. The size is 18" x 10" x 10", 29 litres, 8 us gallons.????

Thanks for the help wilder.

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