Myxazin And Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria


Fish Addict
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Stevenage, UK
I'm currently trying to treat a bout of columnaris but having some issues.

I'm using Myxazin but I'm having troubles keeping the tank temp down at 24. Heaters not on and the temp is around 25/26. The columnaris was in one fish, but now in 2. They are swimming around fine, eating etc, but I really need this gone.

My question is. Would I be able to switch the medication over to Interpet Anti internal Bacteria, I last put Myxazin in yesterday, and I'm ready to put another dose in, but I would like to know if I would be able to switch without any issues, or would this do more harm than good. Would the interpet medication work better at a temp above 24l???

I'm going to do a water change today anyway, so if needs be, I could do a big one if this would help with switching the medication.

I've also picked up some Pimafix today, so this should help with the treatment.
For columanris in the uk you really need to be using the pimafix with the myxazin.
I would keep going with the myxazin and add the pimafix with it.
You need to be keeping a good stable temp. Leave the heater at 25/26 if the room tempreture keeping the temp that reading.
I just got the pimafix today, so hopefully this "should clear it up". I'll keep with the myxazin, and see how it goes.

The tank temp is stable at around 25.26 but can't get it any lower as it's pretty warm down south at the moment, and I was worried as I've read and been told 24 is The best temp.

The reason I ask about the interpet med was because i read in another thread someone using it and it treated it.

Hopefully this will work though, fingers crossed.

Thanks wilder.
If you want to lower the temp, get some old drinks bottles (plastic) fill them with cold water and add them to the tank, just float them it will take the temp down. Also try leaving the lights out and the lid open.
Waste of time putting bottles of ice water in the tank the temp soon comes back up. Also keep altering the temp stress fish and causes desease.
I would keep the tank lights off like minx has said.
Best to keep a stable temp, if room temp 25/26 best setting heater to that.
I used to put iced bottled water in the tank and learnt not to do it as the temp soon shoots back up.
Best to keep a stable temp.
In summer months just increase aeration and keep the room cool with a fan.
Thanks Wilder.

Things are taking a turn for the worst I think, the 2 fish infected are ok, as in they have'nt got any worse, but now whilst changing water, i've noticed my BGK has red blotches. Where the tail is usually there is 2 white markings, the one nearest the end is now a red pinkish colour. Whilst I was watching the tank it started twitching as if it was having a fit.

I'm a bit worried this may have septicaemia (I had an angel fish with this sort of colour last year) , and i've read columnaris can lead to this. The BGK has never shown any signs of columnaris but something's definitely wrong with it.
If the fish can come down with septicemia now I doubt it will make it. Septicemia hard to cure once it progresses.
Anti internal bacteria med better for septicemia.

Wounds that are white on the edges and red in the center are most typically Aeromonas. Those that are red on the edges and white in the center are generally Columnaris. Both are gram negative bacteria. The best treatment for this is any sulfa antibiotic with trimetheprim. This can be put in the water and mixed with food -- if you can find Romet B use it.
There aren't any wounds to speak of. The BGK has natural white markings on the end of it's body and one has now turned a redish pink.

I'm in the process of changing the water. But I'm now unsure what med to administer once i've finished.

I was using Myxazin and Pimafix, and was going to continue with that. But now I'm unsure whether to continue with that, or start with Interpet Internal Bacteria and Pimafix, as I've got some of this.

I'll try and get a photo of the BGK.
Columnaris can cause red or pink area thats look like sores.
Is the skin peeling.
I would carry on with the myxazin, or do a 40% water change and run some black carbon for aday then add the interpet med.

Columnaris (a.k.a. Mouth Fungus)
Info taken from here.


An infected fish will have off-white to gray cotton-like patches on the head, fins, gills, body and particularly the mouth. In time, these areas will develop into open sores. Gill swelling may occur, gill filaments may stick together and excessive mucus may develop in the gill area. Rapid breathing can be seen. Fins may deteriorate to the point of leaving the fin rays bare. Muscles may be inflamed and capillaries may rupture. Fish, particularly livebearers, may exhibit "shimmying". Infection may be acute (killing an infected fish within hours), or chronic (lingering for several days before eventually killing the fish). As with most diseases, not all symptoms need be present.


The bacterium Flexibacter columnaris.


Ensure that your water conditions (e.g., Ammonia, Nitrite, pH, Nitrate levels, and water temp.) are within their proper ranges. If not, perform a water change and/or treat the water accordingly. Recommended medications include: Furanace, Fungus Eliminator, Fungus Cure, Furacyn, Furan-2, Triple Sulfa, E.M. Tablets, Tetracycline, or Potassium Permanganate. Medicated foods are also recommended. Columnaris can be highly infectious and may quickly kill all aquarium inhabitants; therefore, early treatment is essential. All fish, including those not yet showing visible symptoms, as well as the aquarium they inhabit should be treated.
I'll continue with the Myxazin, as i don't think i'll be able to wait another day to filter out the Myxazin.

Here's a photo, but it's pretty bad. You can see the 2 white markings and the last one is pinkish, it should be the same colour (pure white) as the other one.


Thanks for the help.
I think I would take the myxazin out of the tank as things are getting worse.
I would go in with the anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

How long have you been using the myxazin.

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