My Underwater Adventure Continues

Bargain with the slipper coral :good:

I place some corals and attach others!

The torch will not like too much flow, looks a nice one, what colour is it?

Seffie x
The mouth is green, polyps are cream and the tips are pinkish.
Grr just got home to find the torch upside down on the sand he has been settled into a space near the top now and I've decided to glue him down at some point.
Just recieved another aquaray 500 bar, this one is full blue.
Just need 3 more bars and the lights will be done, got this badboy for £80 from a mate :)
As my nitrates tested 0 again (I only do fortnightly 10% changes ATM aswell) I decided to rewardy tank with a new friend.
Today saw the addition of a Lyretail anthias, it's orange so I belive it's a female.

If all goes well I hope to add another in a month or so as these fish change sex to suit conditions, the males are purple/blue I am lead to belive. Thoughts?
They all start out as females and the most assertive/aggressive/dominant one turns into a male. Best to buy three small juvies, then one will turn into the male. If you leave the one you have bought too long it will turn into a male, then you must ensure that any others are smaller, juvies.

Anthias like feeding often.

Lovely fish :good:

Seffie x
A auto feeder would be a good idea with thte anthias just adding a bit of flake a couple times a day whilst at work.
I swear my torch coral is moving itself, came home to find it lower down the tank bit fully out and looking well happy, maybe all the times it's fallen down was a sign it wanted less light. Wierd.
Ok so pic time
here is the new fish

and today saw the addition of a sun coral

when I feed it I will get a picture of it extended.
Now I know why my clowns don't host my toadstool leather.


blenny having a kip in a coral, how cool!
I;m loving this thread can;t believe I;ve missed it till now

I;d love my set up to look remotely like this in a few weeks time!!

nice one
I can ship you a few kilos of hair algae if you want :) god knows I have enough of the stuff :)
I can ship you a few kilos of hair algae if you want :) god knows I have enough of the stuff :)

ha ha mmmmm don;t think I meant the algae!! lol the corals are superb though :good:
Thanks, the toadstool Is a monster :) sadly my torch is sulking, not sure why but it's only just extending out of it's skeleton. Growing maybe?

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