Well this weekend saw the addition of 3 cleaner shrimp, another clown and £100 worth of LED lights.
The LED light has made the tank so much brighter and the flicker that is created is amazing, it's like being underwater!
the cleaner shrimp had me cursing as when I begun acclaimitising them they decided enough was enough, climbed out of the bag and jumped straight into the tank. They seem happy enough so i am resigned to beliving that they knew best.
They new clown has taken to the tank like a fish to water (hahaha, ok sorry) and seems to be showing none of the timidness of his tank mate. Me and my partner have named them terry (or terri if nature swirls it that way) and tony (same applies)
LMB is super happy and I have noticed he has these amazing flashes of color down his sides, he almost seems to change color and has so much character, sadly he hasn't made much of a dent in the hair algae but while it isn't hurting anything I am happy to let it stay, it does after all provide hiding places for live food (a bag of brineshrimp has taken up residence on my refugium and there is a few that dart in and out of the algae forest)
my stowaway crabs are getting less shy and very occasionally tip out of rocks to grab any food that makes it past my hungry tankmates, they are also attempting to eat the forest, usually when blenny isn't looking.
My sand sifting star seems to be flourishing, his night time forays are very amusing to watch and I often see him clung to the glass on the morning just after the twilight phase starts. We named him patrick as he isn't to bright (he can totally miss the food I bury for him 3-4 times before he grasps the fact it's edible)
we have seen many new things pop into the tank, a small muscle that seems to Houdini from one place to another, a brittle star that i belive may of become sand sifer fodder and a gazzilion worms, pods and wriggly things to boot.
My leather toadstool seems ok but has a few bald patches (LFS belives this to be growth related) and the green star coral is thriving to the extent that it's trying to spread off it's home rock.
It's becoming the little Eco system I had hoped for