My Tanks - 60L, 160L, 240L

Well, I've had a bit of a drastic change around this weekend.

My 160l previously had a leak, which we 'repaired' by putting sealant over the seam. A month later, and it started leaking again.

I decided to close the tank down and move my existing fish into the other tanks.

The fairy cories went in with the lampeyes and pandas, and whilst I'm now heavily stocked (which I don't like), they actually seem to be really happy with it. The adult pandas used to be quite skittish and zoom into the corner when they saw me, but now they quite happily 'dance' in the front of the tank whilst I'm watching, and the fairies and pandas seem happy to mingle together, with the 3 babies joining the big group as well. I've had a change around within the tank, and swapped the black sand for silica sand, the vallis for swords, and put the in line heater and external filter from the 160l on it. It means I am *slightly* over filtered in the 60 litre as the filter is rated for 300 litre tanks!

I was more worried about adding the diamonds and gouramis to the big tank, fearing bullying from the tigers and firemouth. Surprisingly, the tigers and diamonds are getting on great, schooling together in one or two mixed groups most of the time. I'll continue to monitor it for signs of aggression but may be able to keep them all. The diamonds also seem much happier - they had become increasingly skittish and shy, mostly hiding in the corner, but the bigger tank has more bogwood and plant cover, so they seem more confident in all areas of the tank.

The gourami I'm not so sure about. I've not seen them much as they are hiding in the plants, but I have seen the firemouth (still a juvi, currently the same size as the biggest gourami) chase them off a couple of times. I suspect I will have to rehome one or the other at some point.

Overall, I'm unexpectedly delighted with the way things have turned out. I would never have chosen to stock so heavily, but I don't think I'm overstocked and anyway have over filtration, lots of cover and very good management. Both tanks look lovely and active, and I seem to have a lot of happy fish :D
Nice! I just have to get me some pandas, that's all there is to it. And I like the lampeyes a lot too. They remind me of 
Great tanks JenJ (is the 60L a Marina style 60?) and amazing photographs!! They put mine to shame!

What camera were you using?
Mamashack said:
Great tanks JenJ (is the 60L a Marina style 60?) and amazing photographs!! They put mine to shame!

What camera were you using?
Thanks :)
It is indeed a Marina style 60.
The photos are taken from a combination of an iphone 5 or a Canon EOS 1100D, on the basic sports setting.
Thought the tank looked familiar! lol
The photos are fantastically clear and the detail is amazing!
Ha ha! Just read back from the beginning, and saw how much the 240 had changed...
3rd Feb

(yes the plants are covered in algae, yes I need to have a good clean)
Diamonds being sparkly :)
All change again. Well, not all, but some...
The fairy cories are still in the 60 litre with the lampeyes and pandas. All seem happy but it still looks too busy for me, so I'm considering moving the pandas and fairies on. 
The diamonds were getting on well with others in the big tank, especially the tigers, but with two fairly big groups (9 diamonds and 12 tigers) plus the plants getting monstrously big, it was all looking a bit overcrowded. I made the sad decision to take the diamonds to my lfs for rehoming.
I did that today, and also decided to take the firemouth and snowflake pled. The firemouth was there as I wanted a 'big' cichlid, but since I had to empty the leaky tank and add the inhabitants to this one, it's bullied the gourami quite a lot, and I (surprisingly) decided I'd rather keep the 3 gourami than the firemouth. The plec I'd bought as I'd been after a snowflake/snowball since I started fishkeeping, but the reality was that I hardly saw him and I'd rather maintain some spare bottom level capacity to increase my group of loaches should I choose to. So, cute as he was, he went back.
Having also pruned a little and reshuffled the wood and plants a bit, the tank now looks quite empty! I'm sure the plants will soon big monster size again though, and I may decide to add to the tigers or loaches at some point. I'm definitely sticking to a limit of 3 species per tank though, I like the simplicity of it.
The gouramis seem much happier - they used to hide in the plants most of the time, only dashing out briefly at feeding time, but I've seen a lot more of them already this afternoon.
Photos to follow...
Tiger cave (being supervised by a polka dot, of course...)




And, um, I got a betta...

Gorgeous tanks and great pics.  Thank you for sharing.

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