Rio Orinoco Biotope.

any updates on this tank James would love to see how its getting on
Hi Simon, Here is a recent picture of the tank: Excuse the quality

As you can see, the tank is plantless (other than a little Frogbit floating around the top) because I'm going to have another shot at it with a CO2 system. As you can see i've got a slightly different wood arrangement and a i've just put a new batch of Indian Almond Leaves in.

Fish wise, things are fine. The 6 KH's are doing great, and spawning every so often. Pencils, Tetra's and Pleco also fine. Thinking of maybe some new additions once i've sorted the plants out. Might start with some Cabomba or Vallis and then see if my KH's will dig at some Dwarf Hair Grass as a carpet plant.

more cardinals would look great or rummys (my faves) or emperors. do you have similar water to me? I have great suxcess with giant vallis?
My pH is 6.2 & my GH + KH are both between 0-3° (both according to API tests, so reliability is questionable)
& I keep the tank at a temperature of 26°

Like I said hopefully i'll be running CO2, plus adding Seachem Trace and Seachem Flourish

you'll also need to be adding some N and P James. It would be a cheaper option to use an all in one fert to begin with.
you'll also need to be adding some N and P James. It would be a cheaper option to use an all in one fert to begin with.

What would you recommend Ian as an all in one?

something like TPN+ or TNC complete. Just remember to keep up with the water changes when using C02 and N & P. I use pressurised with quite low light and still need to use N and P, this way the plants need for nothing. Any questions mate, just give the planted crew a shout!
something like TPN+ or TNC complete. Just remember to keep up with the water changes when using C02 and N & P. I use pressurised with quite low light and still need to use N and P, this way the plants need for nothing. Any questions mate, just give the planted crew a shout!

Smashing, I'll look into it. And check, I'll make sure Im keeping on top of them.
And cheers, I'll make sure I ask every known question regarding plants :lol:
I might even start a new side-journal for when the first plants are added.

Cheers, James.
My pH is 6.2 & my GH + KH are both between 0-3° (both according to API tests, so reliability is questionable)
& I keep the tank at a temperature of 26°

Like I said hopefully i'll be running CO2, plus adding Seachem Trace and Seachem Flourish


:shout: I would kill for water like that!!!!!!!!!! :grr: :angry:

Looking good anyway James, congratulations on the Keyholes. Wish i had gone for them now. :(
My pH is 6.2 & my GH + KH are both between 0-3° (both according to API tests, so reliability is questionable)
& I keep the tank at a temperature of 26°

Like I said hopefully i'll be running CO2, plus adding Seachem Trace and Seachem Flourish


:shout: I would kill for water like that!!!!!!!!!! :grr: :angry:

Looking good anyway James, congratulations on the Keyholes. Wish i had gone for them now. :(

Peat, Indian Almond Leaves and my wood I believe are responsible for that!

Thanks Minnnt, I love my Keyhole's. I think I'll have my 6 till the day they die. Wouldn't change them for the world.
Im really looking forward to having a good go at planting properly

I would whip out the pair thats spawning and get them on their own for a couple of weeks. Once they have spawned i would return them to the main tank. That way you would be left some young uns to bring up. :good: The amount of people that want them nowadays is quite high.
I would whip out the pair thats spawning and get them on their own for a couple of weeks. Once they have spawned i would return them to the main tank. That way you would be left some young uns to bring up. :good: The amount of people that want them nowadays is quite high.

I'd love to if I'm honest, but I only have a spare 35 litre. & don't really have the space to put it anywhere. I'd love to breed them and just keep maybe a couple for myself and watch them grow over the years.

But I'm getting a completely different setup next week which i'll be revealing when it's set up. Oh how the tides can turn, just as I'm getting my tank setup for planting I get an offer I just can't refuse on something completely different!


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