My Tank Setup, Dipped My Toe,

Sorry for not getting some piccy's up the g-friends not been well anyway back on with the show!!!

As yuo know I bought some SPS and they have been in for a while now doinf v well i might add...



this is the Green Pocillopora.



and the pink hyst.

this just to fin a good close-up of the neon on the clam

got his one as my wallpaper on widows at the mo. If you would like it I'll e-mail you a high res vertion PM me

well thats all folks
Looks great as ever Matt :D. I assume the halides are working well :D
Got the Halides on 5 hours at the mo and everything is good the Pocillopora has realy good polop extention so I take that as a good sign. The Phytoplankton is all ready and the first batch is in the fridge.
I don't want to put a dampener on things, but it looks like your pink hystrix is bleaching from the bottom up. It might be just the pic though.
ASD> you are prob right! It was leaking abit in the post and hasn't done aswell as the other. Time will tell, didn't know they could bleach from the bottom?
Great looking tank, u have come a looooong way!!!!! :)
Yeah you have Matt. BTW, what digicam do you use? It takes phenomenal macro shots :good:
Well time for another photoshoot i think.


Shrimpy and Goby



Xina frags awaiting sale Anyone?


'Fan Corner'


The Pocillapora is doing very well has growen three "nubs"


Leather finger thing. I'm thinking of cutting the other stork of this one to sell as a frag?

Anyway Thats all floks!
You're tank is amazing! Your pics only solidify my desire to start up a marine tank!

Thanks for all the information gives me a good idea of what's head (minus the sump drama).
I hope I have inspiered you for the better. Don't get me wrong tho I have a planted Ram and Tetra tank and a Blackmoor tank aswell but Saltwater for me is the best.

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