N1z> there the MP620's theres also a 1000lph in there makes it about x50 turnover. as for buildups done get any corners floor nowhere. got 2 stars 14 HC'c 5 nitro snails and a conch doing the cleaning on the sand and works a treat!
Ski> The Acro is a Pocillapora, still on the baby sps's waiting for the new tank then I'll give the acros a try. Plus its had to keep up with the Ca and Alk additions just the 3 I have now drain the Ca by 10ppm in a 150l a day!!!!! and the Alk drops by 20ppm CaCO a day!!!!!
Fish wise I've got
2X Clowns
2X Neon Gobys
1X Coral Beauty
1X Fire fish
1X Hi fin red band Goby
and the newest addition is a wrasse of some sort. Swap it for a fire fish a while ago but hes still realy shy. Looking at getting a pigmy shapher wrasse but we'll see.
Thanks for the support guys!
Ski how the 'battle' going?