My Re-arranged Tank

Hi im sorry to say that the tank is very very milky and needs to be sorted out before you put any fish in it

if it was my tank first i would get the new filter up and running for a few weeks to build up the bio on the sponge in the new filter then i would stripe the tank down (which is not such a big ordeal as the tank is fairly small ) take out the blue gravel and replace it with something more natural then put some kind of background on the tank

if you are not aready using tapwater conditioner then buy a bottle and at the same time get yourself a bottle of nutrafin cycle

i know you have said that is the cam that makes the tank look milky but take my word for it their is some thing wrong with the water in that tank it may be that the tank is in direct sunlight but some thing is wrong
Well i guess it is a little milky. But i keep doing water changed and NOTHING happens. I dont know what to do. I guess i can buy a new filter but i dont think that is the problem. This tank use to be crystal clear with the same filter. It all started about 6 months ago when i went on vactaion for 2 weeks. I asked a friend to feed the fish, and obviously he overfed them. The tank was totally green and i couldnt see the fish. I did around 4-5 water changes and it started becoming clear. And since then for the last 6 months it has remained milky. It is milky and the camera makes a lot worst.
I just dont want to invest money on a filter and then realize its still milky.
Any advise would be appreciated.
Well i guess it is a little milky. But i keep doing water changed and NOTHING happens. I dont know what to do. I guess i can buy a new filter but i dont think that is the problem. This tank use to be crystal clear with the same filter. It all started about 6 months ago when i went on vactaion for 2 weeks. I asked a friend to feed the fish, and obviously he overfed them. The tank was totally green and i couldnt see the fish. I did around 4-5 water changes and it started becoming clear. And since then for the last 6 months it has remained milky. It is milky and the camera makes a lot worst.
I just dont want to invest money on a filter and then realize its still milky.
Any advise would be appreciated.

like i said i would stripe the tank down and change the gravel as that blue stuff does nothing for me

if you are washing out the filter all the tim make sure you wash the sponge in tank water not under the tap
so fill a bucket with tank water then wash the sponge in their

if you are using a exturnal filter just try adding some carbon to it for 3 weeks that will also clear the tank up
Well i guess it is a little milky. But i keep doing water changed and NOTHING happens. I dont know what to do. I guess i can buy a new filter but i dont think that is the problem. This tank use to be crystal clear with the same filter. It all started about 6 months ago when i went on vactaion for 2 weeks. I asked a friend to feed the fish, and obviously he overfed them. The tank was totally green and i couldnt see the fish. I did around 4-5 water changes and it started becoming clear. And since then for the last 6 months it has remained milky. It is milky and the camera makes a lot worst.
I just dont want to invest money on a filter and then realize its still milky.
Any advise would be appreciated.
My 10g used to have milky water and the guy at the fish store said to just leave it alone and just add water to it and it will go away on its own. So I didn't do anything to it for about a month and it went away. I also cut back on how much I fed the fish I would only feed them alittle bit every other 2 days and like I said it went away.
I think my main problem is overfeeding. Even though the ammonia doesnt rise i have noticed that i do overfeed, even though i dont want to. My black skirt tetras and lemon tetras go mad for the flakes and the bloodworms. My guppy doesnt dare come near them. She barely gbets any food and i want to make sur she gets her proper amount of food, so i keep putting a little bit of extra flakes over and over until she finally gets to 1 or 2 flakes / bloodworms.
:huh: I hate to say it but getting a better filter probaly will help. My tank use to dirty because I had a filter recommended for 20 gallons... I upgraded and the water has been great ever since. But thats my advice take it or leave it.
You should try either getting more guppys so he will feel more powerful and could get some food or you could place some food on one side of the tank and as the tetras are eating put some more food on the other side so the guppy could get some food.
kkk ... ill get a new filter asap (most likely emepror)
Which one is better for my tank the emperor 200 or 450?
Ill wait until my tank is clean, and then ill add 2 guppies.
Ill be doing another water change tommorow, and the day after. Then ill get the new filter on friday.
K i guess i can update my tank. I did a full (100%) water change, and ya i know its risky. However i had done this in the past and my fish did absoulutely fine. And they did this again. Tell me if it looks better than my first pics.
Ill post the pic in 2 mins :D
The 200 will be better because it filters up to 50g but the 400 filters up to 80 which I would think would be to strong of a current if you got the 400.
Actually i kept the same filter, i might change in the future.

Here r the pics:

More pics:

More pics:

Hope you liked them. Plz write comments.
I changed the gravel if you didint notice.
What do you have in there now because it looks like you have more fish in there? Looks nice and less green/cloudy. :thumbs:
Currently i have:
2x Black Skirt Tetra (1 long-finned, 1 regular)
4x Lemon Tetra
1x Guppy

I will be getting 3 guppies and 8 Cardinal Tetras within the next 2 weeks.
I am planning to get 4 Cardinal Tetras today.
Finally some pics i can see. You know i went through that entire post without being able to see even 1 of the pics of your tank fish-dude? Well now that i can see, i must say. Yuuuck!
Too bland for my taste, needs alot of work. If people have come to say that that is an improvement then i feel sorry for the inhabitants in the previous setups. Yikes, don't quit your day-job stud. :no: simply horrible. :blink: :blink:
:D :fun: :hyper: :lol: Just pulling your chain man. I was just tryin' to make ya cry thats all. Since i saw ya talkin like that to durkbat my buddy in the first page of this post i had to give ya a little #### for it.
Enyway, i do like your setup, clean, and simple. Quite a nice layout for it being unplanted and all. I myself have white gravel and am a big fan of your tanks gravel as well.
Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see the new fish you get, keep us posted with pics m8!
You should get at least 2 more black tetras since they like to be in schools.

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