My Poor Platy Has Her Tail Chomped Off!


Fish Herder
Apr 8, 2009
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Hey guys. A couple days ago, one of my platys that I raised from a baby got half of her tail chomped off by my aggressive albino molly! :(
At the moment, I'm in a tight situation, because I don't have a quarantine tank.....
Anyhow, the platy has fungus on the edges of her tail, and for a day or so, I treated with a medicated food that treats internal and external bacteria infections. I stopped when my fish had a bad reaction to the food, and became extremely lethargic, and the tank water became cloudy. After I stopped using it, my fish were better.

Okay, so here's the dilemma. I don't want to use that food, OR any other medicines I have, because every time I treat for a bacterial infection, my fish take a horrible reaction to the medication for some reason. One fish even died when I used a fungus clear medication. (But I never have problems with the parasite medications....)

I use Jungle brand, because it works great for parasites, and it doesn't kill beneficial bacteria, but every time I use their anti-bacterial stuff, it has a bad effect on the fish!

What should I do!? My platy's fin is receding more and more each day, and her dorsal fin is also starting to get eaten away by fungus! When she's not swimming, she's clamping her fins in the corner.

103E3123.jpg (1.0 MB)
(One below the other one. BTW, the swordtail in the background isn't clamping her fins, she just accidentally swam into the filter current :lol:)

Water stats:
10 gallon -
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 15ppm
ph: 7.5
temp: 78F

Please help! And thanks in advance! :good: :sick:
If you can get a hospital tank or external refugium I would keep her in Pimafix for about a week, if it seems OK after that, keep her in the tank or refugium for another 2 weeks with tonic salt.

I've never had an experience like this, I'm just using my knowledge :S
Thanks. I WILL have a hospital tank once I get the 55 gallon. Then one of my 10 gallon's will be empty, so I'll use that.

Thanks. The fungus turned out to be her tail growing back! :lol:
Thanks. I WILL have a hospital tank once I get the 55 gallon. Then one of my 10 gallon's will be empty, so I'll use that.

Thanks. The fungus turned out to be her tail growing back! :lol:

Oh that's fantastic! I would still use the tonic salt as it is a mild sterilizing agent.

Oh ok, thanks! :good:
Now it looks like she has a parasite though, because she just floats there and clamps her fins, and I noticed a little white dot on her fin. Which is weird, because I just finished treating the tank for parasites when they had gill flukes..... :unsure:
Can't WAIT to get the 55 gallon so I have a quarantine tank again! :rolleyes:
That is odd, it might be white spot, although this is unlikely as other fish would have them too, have you got any parazin? Try treating them with that.

Yeah, it's very odd. I just finished treating my fish for gill flukes with Jungle parasite clear, and then, I was observing my fish today, and I noticed they were rubbing against the ground again! ARGH! :angry:
I whipped out the medication again, which contains praziquantel, and rarely fails me, and popped a tablet into the tank.
I'm started to think that the parasites are immune to the medication I'm using. Which severly worries me, because that is the best medication I've ever found! :crazy:
I know it's possible for parasites to develop immunity to some medications, but I don't know how it happens! I'm terrified though, and really feel like throwing up out of worry! :sick:
I use Malafix for open sores if needed it is made by API and is and antibacterial fish remedy for many things like open red sores fin rot eye cloud and fungus. I use Pimafix for external and internalbacterial infections. both products do not harm the biological filter and are all natural.

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