Journal Entry
Being a guy that plans pretty much everything, I have the following plan for my substrate change over and just wanted to run it past you guys. The idea is to keep fish stress down to a bare minimum and try and prevent the water from going too cloudy:
1. Im going to buy 3 of 42l buckets from Tescos (£3 each). This will hold approx 120 litres of my tank water.
2. Switch off filter etc. and block outlet so filter media etc remains wet.
3. Fill first bucket, (attempt to) catch fish and add them to the tub
4. Fill other two tubs and use one to contain plants
5. Using a new dustpan, remove existing gravel and store in a bucket
6. Clean gunk from bottom of tank (or should I leave this?)
7. Put in new (pre washed) substrate
8. Put back water from one tub (gently)
9. Put back plants and water from second tub
10. Put back fish and water from third tub
11. Top up tank
12. put old gravel into a couple of large media bags and put in aquarium (not sure if this is required but can't hurt)
I also have a spare heater to put in the fish tub but hopefully this process won't take that long.
I am hoping that because the majority of the water will be reused, the filter media will still be ok and that I can use some of the old gravel in media bags that I will not cause a mini cycle.
Please let me know your thoughts on this or just tell me to shut up if you think i'm over thinking this