My Planted Tank Journey

Journal Entry

I have added in the new ballast - now I have the full three tubes (2 x 25w + 1 Blue 10w). Would you consider this low or mid lighting? 165 litres = 36 Gallons(ish) = 1.4 watts per g if you don't take into account the blue tube (1.7 if you do).

I have also had a little re arrange of the wood as shown below (forgive the bad daytime photo). I was considering adding more wood but now i'm not so sure - Comments welcome please.

My original plan was to replace all the plants with new ones but thinking about it things aren't looking too bad. I definitely need more plants in mid and backgrounds and hopefully, now I am adding ferts and co2, the existing plants should start to flourish.

I do have a couple of questions though:

I am dosing enough co2 to make my drop checker show green (I think it needs a tad more because it doesn't go lime green) and also a full dose of ferts each day. Now If i don't have enough plants this could cause algae to bloom right? So my question is do I need to cut down on my ferts until I add more plants or do I cut down the co2 or indeed both?

Many leaves on the crypts(thanks minnnt for the id) and anubias have algae on the edges. Should I just remove these leaves? I have read that ottos are great at eating algae off of plants without harming the plant. Maybe that could be the answer.

Thanks in advance for your help
What I found best with the anubias was to remove the plant and lightly rub it with my thumb under warm/hot water. The following day it went red then eventually it dissapeared. Maybe it would work with the crypts too, but they're far more likely to tear so maybe removal would be the best option.

Also, after seeing the new FTS, I would go with a darker substrate, but that is just personal preference I guess.
Honestly, I am very fond of dark sand substrates, but for some reason your tank is really pleasing to my eye. I really like it, just as it is. :good:
Honestly, I am very fond of dark sand substrates, but for some reason your tank is really pleasing to my eye. I really like it, just as it is. :good:

Not sure on a black substrate mate but the black background is a coming - just making it now out of black cardboard blue peter stylie :)
Here is a quick snapshot of the tank with a black background - it looks much better in real life. I think this is a keeper although I must clean the back glass. What's even better is the better half likes it - she can now see the lemon tetras :good:

How do you guys take such amazing tank shots at night? - all your fish are in focus

did you get a Blue Peter badge?

Nope - but not from lack of trying :sad:
Tripod, no flash and i have the image brightness around -1.0 to -1.3. May not work for you though, lol.

I would go with Unipac Senegal sand personally. ;)
Tripod, no flash and i have the image brightness around -1.0 to -1.3. May not work for you though, lol.

I would go with Unipac Senegal sand personally. ;)

Hmmmm now I like the look if that - it's darker but not too dark. Is it like sand or a fine gravel - looks closer to 1-2mm gravel to me. Guess I'm gonna have to research changing substrate in an existing tank now :) nice one minnnt.

Re photos - I will give it a try.
It's not difficult at all...just rinse the sand/gravel before hand. Remove fish, remove gravel. Put in new sand. Put in fish. :lol: Colors are really popping now. :rolleyes:

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