My Planted 54G Bow Front

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Thx Ryan.  I have been lucky because my LFS has always had a really good selection of Malaysian Driftwood and it is very reasonably priced. 
Congrats on Tank of the Month! Nice work
Thx Daize!! :) I'm very honored. Especially given how beautiful the other tanks were.

I will post some updates soon.
The tank is progressing along nicely. The Wisteria and Pennywort have been growing like crazy. As I had mentioned in previous posts I was starting to see some GSA but I think I have it under control. I was also noticing what I think is brown dust algae (which I think is also called diatoms) but my Nerites have been working on it. I have also adjusted my photoperiod to 8 hours from 9 and scaled back a bit on dosing levels and that has also really seemed to help.

Ok picture time....

Here is a current tank shot...

The Crypt I recently added seems to be doing well. But it hasn't attached to the driftwood yet. In fact there have been a few individual pieces that I have found floating so I have put those in the substrate. Not sure how this experiment will turn out but I'm giving it more time. On a positive note it hasn't shown any signs of melting! :)

There are a few additions since the last time I posted. I added some really nice looking red Broadleaf Ludwigia. It's a little hidden behind the Wisteria, Java Fern and driftwood but hopefully it will fill in and provide some nice contrast. Here is a close up ...

I also added that piece of driftwood I recently bought. I covered it will Java Fern leaflets, all of which I got from my tank. Here is how it looked when I finished it and then in the tank....

That's all for now. Any feedback is welcome.
I like what you did with that new driftwood a lot. 
Looking gorgeous! I've also been thinking of trying a ludwigia and I had the same plan to attach my java plantlets to a new piece of wood... great minds think alike! Yours is looking great!
Ryan10 said:
I like what you did with that new driftwood a lot.

Thx Ryan!!

daizeUK said:
Looking gorgeous! I've also been thinking of trying a ludwigia and I had the same plan to attach my java plantlets to a new piece of wood... great minds think alike! Yours is looking great!
Thx daize! I wasn't planning on adding the ludwigia but I was at the LFS and they had some really beautiful specimens so I couldn't help myself. :) As for the wood and Java plantlets that is about the extent of my DIY capabilities so I am quite proud of myself! :lol:
I have given up on the crypt on driftwood experiment. While the crypt seemed to be doing well it wasn't attaching and I kept finding it half floating even though I had it tied down. After watching the tank for a while I realized Rosy Barbs were making a meal of the roots!! So I have placed it in the substrate. Probably for the best as the roots were getting long and it was starting to look odd on the driftwood. Oh well on a positive note I now have a piece of wood with nothing attached to it which means another plant to buy!! :lol:
Plant growth has been pretty good.  The Wisteria and Pennywort have been growing like crazy.  Before I took this picture I did some serious pruning of the Pennywort...there was nearly twice as much as there is in this picture.

Left side shot with my Gold Gourami hiding in her favorite spot...

Right side (sorry for the crappy composition

The Crypt is doing well in the substrate (no melting despite all the moving around)...

And the award for best come back goes to the Dwarf Lily!  I thought it was done for sure when all the stems fell off and it was just a bare bulb.  I was close to throwing it out when I noticed the tiniest little stem poking through.  The growth has exploded in the past few weeks.

I'm still dealing with some algae issues.  Mainly GSA on a couple of the Anubias and diatoms on the Pennywort leaves closest to the surface.  Nothing too terrible all things considered.  I'm considering reducing the photo period from 8 hours to 7 to see if that makes a difference.  Any suggestions would be welcome. 
Looking good.  It is amazing how fast pennywort grows.
Rak9378, this is lovely looking tank and well done on the award.
I've read right through and picked up some great tips from yourself and other posters, your tank is along the same lines as I want to go with my Trigon 190 so will be watching your progress closey.
Ryan10 said:
Looking good.  It is amazing how fast pennywort grows.

Thx Ryan. The Pennywort grows like a weed!!

spacewolf said:
Rak9378, this is lovely looking tank and well done on the award.
I've read right through and picked up some great tips from yourself and other posters, your tank is along the same lines as I want to go with my Trigon 190 so will be watching your progress closey.
Thx spacewolf! Appreciate the compliment. Good luck with your tank!!

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