It has been around 2 1/2 weeks since I started dosing ferts and so far results are mixed. Generally speaking the plants are doing well with good growth in the java fern, anacharis, pennywort, and wisteria. The various anubias in the tank are doing well but I have begun to notice dark green spots forming which I think is green spot algae. I have read that this is somewhat common for slow growing plants. I have slowly increased my Excel dosing over the last week and that seems to have at least halted the spread of it.
I have also noticed the leaves on my banana plant and some of the anubias are becoming a pale green/almost if the color is draining. But the veins of the leaves remain dark green. After doing some research I think I may have a magnesium defficiency. So of course I started researching magnesium which took me down a rabbit hole! Researching magnesium led me to learning about GH and KH which are parameters I have all but ignored up to this point. That led me to researching whether or not I should dose a GH Booster or Seachem Equilibrium.
So I haven't tested my water yet (API GH & KH test arrives tomorrow) but I did check out a water quality report from my town. Turns out I have soft water with low magnesium
GH - 54ppm (3dh)
Alkaliity - 116ppm (6.5dh)
Magnesium - 5.4ppm
So I have purchased Equilibrium to try increase GH as well as magnesium. If that works out I will eventually purchase the GH Booster dry ferts. Time shall tell. If anyone thinks I'm making a mistake please let me know. I will try to post some updated pictures soon.