My Planted 54G Bow Front

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2013
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A little over three months ago I finally set up my first aquarium. It has been something I have wanted to do for a long time and I have to say I am really enjoying it. It never occurred to me to document this journey I have embarked on but another thread I started seeking feedback sort of began to turn into one and at the suggestion of another member (thx greenmumma141!) I decided to start an "official" planted journal.

So first the tank itself - it's a 54 Gallon corner tank measuring 39" x 27 1/4" x 23". A bow front wouldn't have been my first choice but I basically got it for free as it was a tank my father had that wasn't being used. So I learned to love it! :)

One of the first things I decided was that along with fish I would keep live plants. I had no idea what a hardscape or aquascape was until I started looking at pictures and trying to get some inspiration. So I went out and bought some Malaysian driftwood and an assortment of rocks and here is what could be considered my first hardscape:

That's a cell phone pic so I apologize for the quality and glare. One thing I didn't take a picture of was the step before when I added my Seachem Flourite gravel. The instructions recommended a rinse to remove any residual dust....which I did. Talk about an understatement!! Anyone who has used the stuff knows what I'm talking about! By the time I filled the tank half way it looked as if I was using mud! I was so disheartened because I had so been looking forward to getting the tank going. Anyhow I removed the gravel, cleaned the tank, re-rinsed the gravel with a bucket and garden hose and finally set-up the tank which is the pic above.

In the next shot, I added to the rock wall in the back and started adding plants.

A couple of weeks later with some additional plants:

I then added another piece of driftwood (left side when facing tank) and of course more plants :)

I would consider this next version to be the biggest change so far and somewhat eye opening in the way that seemingly small changes can make a huge difference. I have to give a shout out to TFF member daizeUK who provided very valuable feedback and really helped me to view my tank in a way I hadn't considered.

So the biggest changes were removing the red lava rock and replacing the white rock on the right with more lace rock. While I love those rocks I am going for a natural look so having them there with the lace rock just didn't work.

And here is the last and most up to date pic. The key changes here are the additions of the Anubias Nana in the foreground and at the top of the rock wall. I also shifted the smaller driftwood to the right which opened up a pathway to the back of the tank.

Of course I don't feel like it's done yet (will I ever???). :) I think the one thing that has surprised me more than anything is that I am enjoying aquascaping just as much as I enjoy the fish. I love going to the LFS and seeing what new plants have arrived. :)

My current plant list:
Java Fern
Dwarf Sag
Penny wort
Moss Balls
Dwarf Lilly
Banana Plant
Anubias Nana
Anubias Hastifolia (I think it's Hastifolia)
Radican Sword
Broad Leaf Ludwigia

As I mentioned earlier I used Seachem Flourite under my gravel and I use Flourish 1-2x per week. I'm not using CO2 or any macro ferts. Filtration is a Fluval 406

Anyway I will continue posting updates as I make changes. I welcome any feedback/criticism. Thx for letting me share....and sorry for the long post....I promise to keep future ones short and sweet!
I'll look forward to seeing how this tank develops!

One word of warning - your tank is starting to look quite heavily planted and as the plants grow the biomass will increase quite rapidly. You may find that you soon reach a point where the nutrients available in the tank are no longer sufficient to support the increased plant mass. Watch out for plants yellowing, developing smaller leaves or holes and be prepared to increase your nutrient provision if it becomes necessary (specifically macro ferts and a source of carbon).
Thx daize. It's funny you should mention plant problems because I've noticed dome degradation of the ludwigia, telanthera, and anacharis. It's not too bad yet and I can still see new growth coming in but there is definitely some yellowing/wilting of the older leaves. So as much as I wanted to keep things low tech I think I may have to look into carbon and macro ferts. I will look into the EasyCarbo product that you're using.

One thing I forgot to mention in my original post is my lighting. I am running a T5 H.O. with two 10k daylight bulbs. I run the light for 8 hours a day. The tank does not get any direct sunlight.

So I have been debating whether or not I want to move into the high-tech realm. Or at least somewhat high tech as I don't think I want to go the full CO2 canister route. I'm thinking of starting an Excel dosing regiment as well as macro ferts. I'm already dosing trace 1-2x per week (using Flourish). I have been reading up on all the different methods and am leaning towards EI because it feels like it's the easiest one for me to follow. i.e the method that I am least likely to screw up! :)

As I mentioned above I have noticed some yellowing/wilting so I'm not sure if I have reached some critical mass and therefore need to start dosing carbon/macro but I guess at the end of the day it couldn't hurt. One thing I have come across in my research is a number of forum posts where folks indicate that they dose Excel and don't bother with macro ferts because they have a well stocked fish load and therefore fish and food waste provide enough. So I would love to hear from anyone who is dosing Excel without dosing macro.

Well back to my research.....when I started this aquarium journey I really didn't think I would be spending more time researching plant care than fish care!! Lol.
Yup that came as a surprise to me too! The fish are the easy part, it's the plants that are hard!

My recommendation would be to dose macro ferts if you intend to add liquid carbon. The plants use nutrients like assembling parts on a production line and if a part is missing then they can't use the available nutrients properly. It's not worth the risk of adding carbon only to have it go to waste.
Ferts have been ordered!! I have decided to go with a modified EI. Given that I will be using Excel instead of pressurized CO2 I will dose ferts at the amounts recommended for the tank size range below mine (ie half of the amounts required for my tank size). I think I may only do 2x a week to start and do some testing to see what my uptake is and then modify from there if needed.

Yesterday was my weekly trip to the LFS and of course I ended up leaving with some more plants. Lol. Picked up some Anubias Barteri and some really pretty Purple Cabomba. I will try to get some updated pics tonight.
Here is a pic with the new Anubias (upper right near filter outflow) and the Cabomba. The Cabomba (back right) is a bit of a mess as I just planted it quickly. I will fix it up when I do my next water change. I also added some Christmas moss to the Lace rock at the bottom right. Oh..I also found a bonus crypt mixed in with the Cabomba. Just a small piece but enough to plant (it's on the other side of the tank so not in the pic below)

Ferts have shipped and will be here Thursday!!

I really like this scape. I'm a fan of the black background because to me they really make aquarium plants "pop." but more so because you've accomplished quite effortlessly something I, personally, really like about planted tanks and that's a variation in colour. The scape and your use of height in planting makes the same plant (for instance your java fern) take on three different shades of green and to me that's a plus. Looking forward to more pics!
Thx Primous. I appreciate the kind words!! I have found scaping so be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. I have a ton more to learn but it has been fun so far!

I will post more pics soon. My ferts are supposed to arrive today so I will definitely take some pics before I start dosing so I have a "before" pic for comparison. :)
Ferts are here!!  Dosing starts in the morning.  Current picture of the tank is below...I can't wait to see the progress!! 


Here is another picture...just for fun...doesn't he seem happy!!  LOL
Agreed, fab pics!
Which ferts have you got?

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