My Parrots

Nobody is suggesting that you should not have an opinion and present good information. There are, however, polite ways to do this, and inflamatory ways.

One way gets your posts read and your reputation enhanced, the other gets you ignored by the members and watched by the mods.

Enough off topic now. If you wish to discuss this further, PM me.
I have some that look like red devils I'm more then aware of it. I do know what I am talking about but you are close minded and care only about your own opinion which isn't very bright. You just want to pick a fight everywhere you go. You can't be friendly or talk you accuse and that's it. Just a Jerk
sorry if some of us got under your skin -_- Starniliya, but the thing is there is a big difference between the sentences (1) "I have 5 red-devil fry" and (2) "I have 5 fry that look like red devils".

common names such as "red devil" or "blood parrot" (in theory) refer to one specific species/hybrid combination. it totally makes sense to have hybrids that more strongly resemble one parent species than another. but to refer to those fry as actually being that species is inaccurate and leads to one of the biggest problems of hybridization: misidentification.

People wanting to buy a "red devil" are looking for an actual Red Devil, not a fish that may contain some Red Devil blood somewhere in its lineage. different species and types of hybrids have different characteristics such as maximum size, temperament, likelihood of fertility, etc. some species are very difficult to find in a non-hybrid form. misidentification of captive-bred fish is a problem because (1) it decieves interested buyers, (2) it makes predicting necessary tank sizes and potential tank mates horribly difficult, and (3) it encourages the continued capture of wild, pure-bred specimens to make up for the lack of accurate captive-bred identification (which leaves the untrustworty captive-bred misfits hanging around in stores.)

while i understand that you're just saying "these hybrids are red devils" as a shorthand description of their appearance, it's a very poor habit to develop. someone unfamiliar with the concept of hybridization or the identity of the parent species could easily be confused by this. it also causes you to appear un-informed about your hybrids; i'm sure that's an inaccurate depiction. :thumbs:
I gotta agree with aardvarkfromspace....

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