....You bred bettas without trying?
It's a hybrid of a Blood Parrot and a Serveum I belive. The Parrot is made of two South Americans. So, I guess it would be concidered a South American Hybrid Cichild.
You could have fry that look like red devils because red devils are behind the Blood parrots - this doesn't make these red devils but mongrels that look like red devils.Well, I dunno what to tell you, 5 of the fry are red devils and my fish guy knows alot, and since I have 5red devils, not to be rude but I am taking his word. Though yours it also a possiblity
You could have fry that look like red devils because red devils are behind the Blood parrots - this doesn't make these red devils but mongrels that look like red devils.Well, I dunno what to tell you, 5 of the fry are red devils and my fish guy knows alot, and since I have 5red devils, not to be rude but I am taking his word. Though yours it also a possiblity
If you were to inbreed these fry they would produce all sorts of shapes. You cannot get a pure breed from a crossbreed.
The only way you can get red devil fry is by mating two pure red devils.