My Non-Aquatic Lovelies...


Fish Crazy
Sep 18, 2009
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We have a few, going to try and put a few images of each per post. Other than fishies, we have 4 cats, 2 love birds and 1 cockatiel.

We really want to get some quail sometime in the future, just waiting for a good time.

So, first up...
Cefa, Male, ~3 years old. Our youngest cat.

Gotten as a pair of boys from someone who didn't have their cat spayed.

The other boy (Lou) was a spitting image with black colouration where Cefa has ginger, Lou was hit by a car (we assume) about a year ago.

Weighs over 1st 4oz and was that size at 1yr old, and is only "slightly" fat according to vets and nothing to worry about - he's just a big cat.

Before you ask, he is totally fine in these clothes and we didn't keep them on for long. The black flecked cat is Lou.
Peached faced Lovebirds - named Pichi(green, male) and Pochi(yellow lutino, female).

Genders are assumed based on behaviour over time. They both stuff feathers, both regurgitate, although only one preens the other (excessively).

~8 months old, parent reared birds so are not automatically tame, having trouble taming them due to time and as they are a pair they won't bond as easily with us and it's not entirely our intention since we have the pair.

An intelligent species of bird, learnt how to open the door, throws food out at me when I'm not looking (they're behind me when I sit at my computer). :p

Wilko, ~5 years old, "rescued" from a distant family member at around 16 weeks old because they obviously couldn't look after him, would be shut in a small room (usually toilet) for days on end when owner went out.

Result of that (maybe), he loves to be outside all day long.

Named Wilko after Jonny Wilkinson the Rugby player.

Tiny, Male, ~13 years old, our oldest cat.

Tiny was one of the only kittens any of our cats ever bore, normally we spay all our cats. Mother was called Sooty(Female), and had 2 other siblings, Tilly(Female) and Tom(Male). Tilly, Tom & Tiny were characters from "Tots TV".

Pretty slow now, loves to sit in front of the heater in the winter, and dribbles everywhere. Meow has disappeared to a <something I cannot explain>

(better photos pending, I want to place hold the first posts... its hard to photograph black cats!)

Smudge/Babe, Female, ~4 years old.

Got from a rescue shelter, was in the local paper looking for a new home, when she came up again in the paper, we just had to have her.

I call her Smudge, that was her previous name, although without me knowing she was renamed to Babe, I thought they were using it as some kind of nickname, and im just so used to calling her Smudge.

Pretty anti-social, doesn't like to be picked up, doesn't like your head nearby (which seems strange, but cats will usually rub heads with a person). She must have been treated pretty badly at her previous home.

Majik, Male, ~25 years old.

In his young age, he was very tame, talks and sings some tunes (although some badly). He went through a phase of plucking his feathers to the point where his back was bald and he can no longer fly. We tried many things, even the vets had no idea. We got him a mate, which was one suggestion, Wanda, who was his companion for ~7 years until she died. During this period he became less social with us, mainly males in the family and stopped plucking, but only for a year or so. After she died, my father removed her from the cage now he hates my dad with a vengeance.

If you are female he will still let you stroke the back of his head, and maybe climb up to your finger.

Still bald :p Although these days just on the back/wings rather than the front too!

I want to use this post to show some pics of other related pets (family, neighbours etc).

Baz - neighbours cat that we feed when she is out - he is a "farm" cat that was rescued. Looks aggressive, but has the tiniest meow ever and is the softest cat you will ever stroke.

Tiger - my sisters cat (in the boot of my car) one of 3 kittens her cat had because there is gap between cats being fertile and being "old enough" to have them spayed. She kept them all (cat lover). I call her Tigrus Maximus.
Lovely pets. I nominate the Majik for POTM. 22 years is great!
I still keep meaning to get a fresh pic, or better (I swear I had one from a month or so ago) of Majik.

Though additional news...

Lovebirds have an egg!

Almost dead on 1 year old now, and 99% sure our green LB is the female :p
OMG how on earth did I miss Cefa - I just want to pick him up and cuddle him - he MUST have a potm nomination. Will someone second?

Seffie x
Thank you both, when nominated its up to me to put it in the nominations thread right?

Anyway - lovebirds update - 2 eggs now :p

Oh, and Majik isn't 22... he is 25 (older than my sister, younger than me).

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