My New Tank


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
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Hey everyone!

First off I would like to thank everyone on this forum, i have had my tank for a month now.

Bought a 10 gal tank
3 neons
pair of white guppies, pair of black guppies
and of course every noob buys a bubbler!

(girlfriend decorated it, white gravel, bright pink rocks, castle, several fake plants and a mermaid)

The pair of black guppies had 5 babies the first nite in the tank

anyhoo one month later...

1 black guppie
3 black guppie babies
one crypt plant
3 dainos
3 gouramis
2 small golden and white chinese algae eater
2 neons
pH reading of 7.0

I will probably guy a bigger tank, maybe 20-30 gallons....i want sum creepy crawlers and an oddball...any suggestions?

Comments any?
Constructive feedback any?

and once again THANX !!

get rid of your algae eaters, chinese algae eaters grow big and aggressive!
do a search on this forum and you'll find dozens of threads on them.

if i were you i'd upgrade sooner rather than later, those are some tightly packed fish!

danios need much more swimming room really, if you can go for a 30gallon, long rather than tall!

and you'll need to fill out your neon school to around 6 or more ideally

what kind of gourami are they? are they 1 male 2 female? that's the ratio they need to be to avoid aggression.

i believe they are the red honey gourami, i do have a 10 gallon TALL tank lol...silly me...well thats why i feel like i need a bigger tank...bigger is always better (unfortunately) i want sum of them fishies u got in those for the clue if they're female or male

My father...he's a fish lover...he has a 75 gallon and a 100 the big one he's got a red arrowana...grown to about at least 30 cm...or 15 inches...

one do u fix a fish that pretty much floats on the bottom on one side...the other side doesn't work
how to sex honey gourami:

Males and females look similar except when breeding. Then, males get the "honey" color (it looks pretty dark to me), perhaps blue throats, and black on the front of the anal fins. Females remain a subdued color, sometimes called brown but it looks orange to me.

which fish is floating on one side??? he sounds like a very sick fish, isolation first! and a picture if possible.

if your tank is a 10 gallon tall then it's definately over-stocked!

my fish i have in my sig are not really community fish at all, especially with nippy neons, aggressive gouramis and fast swimmers like danios.
get rid of your algae eaters, chinese algae eaters grow big and aggressive!
do a search on this forum and you'll find dozens of threads on them.

what would u suggest i get as a cleaner ?

its my pops fish...he's got the big ass aquarium with the arrowana..the other one is a blue one....big too...only those two are in that tank and they are separated....i can get a pic gimme a few
for your current tank, noone, too many fish at the moment, trying to add something else will overload your filter
but if you get a 30 gallon you could get a small plec like a Bristlenose, they grow to 6" and are poop machines, so make sure you've got a good filter, or get a trio (or more) of Ottos which are very efficient at cleaning algae and stay small at around 1.5-2", they are schooling fish though.
yea i was asking about ottos...the fish store ran out
it took me a few weeks to find mine. get your LFS to order some specially. that's what i did, still took 2-3 weeks for any to turn up though!

keep an eye on their health though, make sure they've got round little tummys! they suffer if they don't get food all the time. i feed mine plec flakes and cucumber as well as the brown algae in my tank. they don't really eat green hair algae though.

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