My New Project For A Local Charity.

It already has, It will be in a display tank ( Not for sale ) The LFS owner is keeping it. So that is home.
This is the same guy who has 10 other tanks set up in the middle of his store and they are display only, Nothing in the tanks is taken out and sold. He has 5 betta tanks I mean these tanks are stunning, 1 tank has a 4 1/2 year old betta in it, I have no reason to doubt the guy on the age of the fish.
He is the same guy who gave me a 20 pound ( 9KG ) bag of Caribsea Eco Complete Planted Substrate  all his tanks have it, And you do not vac the stuff.
When you buy stuff from him, There is hardly any choice in brands, He sells Seachem  Prime and that Tetra Aqua safe you wont find cheap de chlorinator in his shop, Same as Food you wont find betta flakes in his shop or freeze dried bloodworm. And nothing with the word FIX in it. No plastic plants, you get the idea? If he wouldnt put it in his tank he wont sell it, They refused to sell me shrimp to put in my betta tank because the betta would eat them.
sounds like a great lfs! Shame that there arn't more like it. I'm happy to see the poorly fishy got a good new home and he/she has recovered well :D
Update slowly getting rid of silk plants for real ones.

I also got 2 Clown Loaches....... Yes I know how big they get.
I love real plants, so a great choice, looking very lush at present.
Progress Photo.
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