My New Project For A Local Charity.

wow ... loving the frame! It looks great :D
They love it. However it looks like all is lost, Due to cyclone Marcia we are expecting massive flooding, If the State emergency service is right that tank will be underwater.
I hope it doesn't go as badly as predicted, it would be a shame after all that work.
All good, The flooding did not affect anything.
I have spoken to LFS about any fry and they will gladly take them.
So I am thinking 4 Mollies ( 1 male 3 females ) Platys ( 1 male 3 females ) and fancy male guppies about 10, That should also keep the fry numbers down.
glad it wasn't as bad as you expected and all that had work didn't go down the drain - literally.
Like the stocking idea too - especially as you've got an outlet for any fry :D
The new light is here.

And some fish

More plants to come
looking good :D the platies add a nice touch - I like sunsets and wagtails, they add so much colour to an aquarium :)
Any comments, or kudos from the locals at the Charity yet?
They love it, They are a bit upset I spent 170 dollars on a light out of my pocket and I wont let them reimburse me.
Yes Mollies and Platys. 
Sorry about the crappy shots, I loaned my camera to a friend so I was forced to use Iphone.

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