My New Project For A Local Charity.

That's a beautiful looking tank - soooo different from what you "inherited" Well done :)

What inhabitants have you got in there now? I read earlier in the thread that you and the LFS guy had a bit of a deal going on - with you growing out fish for him :D
1 BN
6 Zebra danios
6 Harlequin Rasboras
6 Black widow tetras
6 Serpae tetra
10 Rummy nose
5 Clown loaches
They are begging for food
:D they are very cute loaches. I wanted clowns but my tank just isn't big enough for them to be really happy.

Lovely to see them enjoying themselves so much!
They live up to the clown bit in their name, These guys are quite happy to be hand fed the only problem is when I want to do anything in the tank, They think I have food so they just swarm around my fingers clicking like mad.

Clown loaches make a clicking noise when happy or excited.
Just an update photo
And to think I was once told the Blue Stricta will " fail "
Its about 55 centimeters tall, The tank is 2 foot tall.
This is now a Betta sorority tank
Last edited:
I pruned the tank a bit.

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