NickAu said:
I added a frame around the tank.
NickAu said:
Any comments, or kudos from the locals at the Charity yet?
They love it, They are a bit upset I spent 170 dollars on a light out of my pocket and I wont let them reimburse me.
Love the frame too, great idea, really sets it off.
As they are a charity, maybe they could organise a fundraiser to raise money for the tank, and therefore reimburse you? A suggestion would be to have pictures up around the tank/room, and then invite people for a small charge, to view the changes. Then you could sell tea, coffee, cakes and have a raffle? The LFS and others may offer prizes? The local paper maybe willing to do a story on it as well, and state come and meet the creator I.e. You
The stocking has already started, however, personally I would have stuck with egg layers to prevent over population. I know you are there to manage this now, yet may not be for ever and then the tank may then get out of control!? I only know as I set up a heavily planted tank with egg layers once. It looked awesome, as I know yours will. Then a year or so later, after moving away, I went to see it, they had put platies in it, and the tank was an orange mass of fish and did not look very impressive

. I think guppies are lovely looking fish, but personally for me, I used to dislike the way the females eventually became deformed with the consistent giving birth. Just food for thought and consideration, as I think you are doing an awesome job.
Look at Pencil Fish, they are great in a school and I when the males stand up to each other, their colours are awesome.
Check out Rabbit Snails, as these are lovely and give birth, occasionally, to a live born baby. I will be adding a video to the forum in due course.