My New Marine Tank Log.

Yeah I have those too. No idea what they are at all.
Also, being a second hand tank it has marks on the front, which kind of ruin it
Can't you just turn the tank around, front becomes back, or is the back painted.
I may be wrong, but I'm beginning to think the marks on the glass are caused by snails or something similar. Mine are all spherical in shape and uniform in size.
No they're not lines like a water mark or anything, just random patches that looks like suction pads have been there.
yup, identical to mine Joe. They are about the size of a 5p coin and are all over the rear and sides of the tank. Cleaning just doesn't seem to remove the marks.
Ok ive got everything on but my Filter doesent look like its working, its on but i cant see any water or anything going up the tube :(

It deffintaly sounds on but no waters traveling through tube
what type of filter is it?

you probly need to add water into it to get it started
Its a Fluval 303 External, and i did put water in it.

but i cant see water traveling up the tubes and it doesent look like its taking water in to filter.

It was working when upside down a sec ago, but i turned it right way up and stopped working
Aha! i done it i think, i cant feel or seel the suction from the filter bit inside the tank but waters spraying out the spray bar, does this mean its working?
erm i think so, on mine i kept pulling that starter thing to get all the air out and after it staretd getting hard to pull up and down ... then i turned it on and my spray bar was shooting out a continual stream of water.

i also went and quickly checked wether i could feel the suction on my intake .... but its too minimal to notice it actually sucking in the water!
Now ive got to figure out how much salt it needs the bag says "dissolve till it reads blah blah blah" :(

Ive got a 4g bag of salt, should i use most of it?
Try a little bit of vinegar on those marks.
ok, crap i think ive over salted my tank.

I took a reading from the middle of e tank and its 1010, then i took a sample from the bottem of the tank and its 1030.


Edit nvm its evened out.

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