My New Marine Tank Log.

Should be fine. Very similar to mine. I've hidden my powerheads within rock piles without restricting their output. Good way to test is to put something light that will sink and be blown about in the water, that way you can check where the current is flowing and if there are any deadspots.
Ive alterd them a bit ones in the center and ones more towards the top, i might have to alter them when i get rocks, but that wont be for a good week or so, im getting my ro water and sand on tuesday!
Hi Joe,

It might be an idea to add your sand after you get your rocks. The reason being is that if you are going to stack the rock, it can sometimes sink into the sand and become unstable as it moves, causing a rock collapse. Otherwise, just ensure you firmly wedge them down to the bottom.

Hi Joe,

It might be an idea to add your sand after you get your rocks. The reason being is that if you are going to stack the rock, it can sometimes sink into the sand and become unstable as it moves, causing a rock collapse. Otherwise, just ensure you firmly wedge them down to the bottom.

somebody in this post further up, said i should put the sand and water in, make sure all the lvls are right, then put the live rock in a week later :S?

im confused :(
i agree with AK, i did it the other way round and it didnt end up very stable so i had to spend time moving the substrate around in order to stabalise the LR a bit better!
Well Im going down to my Local pet store on tuesday, what should i buy Live rock & Sand & ro water?
Ps:I just bought a Rotater attachment for one power head :)
here's the process.

Level the tank
Put a foam pad down under the bottom if necessary to spread the weight out
Purchase RO water and salt and mix up the volume of the tank in buckets/bins/etc
Mock up hardware placement (heaters, skimmers, powerheads, etc)
Purchase LR and aragonite sand (dont bother with live sand)
Aquascape LR directly on the bottom glass with no water in the tank
Make sure hardware is in place
Pour/form sand around the rocks as deep as you're ready to do
Fill the tank with water 3/4 of the way, pouring it slowly against the rocks to not stir up the stand
Turn on heaters powerheads
Double check the salinity
If its right, fill the rest of the tank. If not, adjust as necessary
Wait for water to clear and observe chemistry for signs of a cycle
Can i Start Cycling Minus my protien skimmer, its the only piece of hardware im missing as its being shipped form usa it wont be here for a couple of days?

All you're doing is waiting for any living organisms on the LR to dieback a little due to the transportation. That'll be your ammonia source. Bacteria will then break this down and begin the nitrogen cycle. When your NH3/NH4 and NO2 read 0 and your NO3 is well in decline, you can then add your CUC.
Right, ive put the sand in 1st because im going to get te water levels right before i add live rock, im getting the water tommorw



Ps: have have i got much gravel in?
You won't be able to get the water level right until you have the live rock in. If you fill the tank up with the sand and water, then add the rock, the rock will displace the water causing the level to rise. If you're going to do it that way, only half fill the tank with water, then add rock, then add the rest of the water. :good:

The sand looks to be fine. 2+ inches should allow for the development of anerobic bacteria. Just remember to press the rock down firmly into the sand, until it touches the bottom (makes a real nice noise).

I'd also suggest you raise the left hand powerhead, as you will most likely end up sucking gravel into it and blowing it all over the tank. :nod:
You won't be able to get the water level right until you have the live rock in. If you fill the tank up with the sand and water, then add the rock, the rock will displace the water causing the level to rise. If you're going to do it that way, only half fill the tank with water, then add rock, then add the rest of the water. :good:

The sand looks to be fine. 2+ inches should allow for the development of anerobic bacteria. Just remember to press the rock down firmly into the sand, until it touches the bottom (makes a real nice noise).

I'd also suggest you raise the left hand powerhead, as you will most likely end up sucking gravel into it and blowing it all over the tank. :nod:
I said that, and this guy at the pet store said if i throw the live rock in with the water, i will kill the rock because of the water levels wont be right :S

Yeh i was thinking that about the power head lol.

I also orderd one of those hydro rotate thing to clip on 1 powerhead.
Ah you mean levels as in salt level? 1.024 etc. Yeah mixing it up in advance will be fine to get the right SG value, then fill the tank up halfway to 3/4 like Ski suggests, then add your rock, then more water to finish.
Drink it :sick: lol

Usually the instructions are on the salt products. To be precise though, you'll need a refractometer. Add the water to a large measured container, then add salt as per the instructions. Allow it to mix for 10 mins by placing a pump or powerhead into the container. Then take a sample of the water and place it on the refractometer. It will then tell you the SG. If its too low, add more salt and repeat. If its too high, add more water.

Aim for an SG of 1.024-1.026. If you are planning on keeping inverts in the tank, aim for 1.026.

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