My New Fish Room!

Hubby totally ignored my suggestion tonight that we could insulate the garage and turn it into a fish room... :shifty:
I consider "ignoring" a sign of approval! It's much better than "objecting" :hey:

LOL... :lol: ... Maybe when hes at work. You sneak to petco and buy all the bettas! and then when your "hubby" comes home just say they spawned and hatched early... oh yeah and then you fed them too much and they grew just like clifford. :lol: ... I have such an evil and stupid imagination . :devil: ...

-Arrowhead :D
My 3 bettas are in my room.
I have three VT's.
I also have 2 empty 1G's, which i think is unusual.
I usually dont have enough!
2 empty 1 gallons... How much did you get yours for? Im planning a trip to petco soon so I can get more 1 gallons. Should I get a glass bowl? or just a 1 gallon tank?

Get something larger than 1 gallons! Bowls are often cheaper than tanks, there are also 2 gallon bowls available. They will also be easier to heat since more water tends to have more stable temperatures.
Well, one of the 1Gs I got for $5.99, the other was a freebie, a more jar-like thing.
I really like glass bowls, the look the best, IMO

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