my new fish! heh

will a general anti-fungal/anti-bacterial tablets work? for some reason i have these (given to me) and im hoping theyll work...
Hey Theemon--I'm pretty sure there's a pinned post about Ich in the Emergencies forum.
But Just to answer your question-- Those tablets won't work if what your fish have is ich. Ich is a protazoan parasite. You need something like "Paragon" or "Clout" or "Maracide".
IN the meantime--- Do a water change right now, Raise the temp to about 80F, Add aquarium salt GRADUALLY---no more than 3 tsp per gallon of actual water volume in your tank. And when you put the meds in the tank---be sure to remove all the carbon from your filter.
Good luck.
hey what type of "food" meets can i feed them, like hamburger, steak, stuff like that? and would regular insects be ok? i was thinking of taking a jar w/ me in the woods and catch some bugs n stuff to feed them...
For which fish? Unless you own a Pirranah, don't feed your fish meat. And I'd avoid feeding insects to your fish--they might have pesticides or diseases in their systems. Feed your fish what they have evolved to eat.

How are your convicts doing now?
havent changed the water yet, i just read that today, ill tell you in 2 hours when i go home...

i ment my cichlids, i know its kinda cruel but i got them for the main reason to feed them minnows/other meets...

i want to feed them meet, i NEED too... either that or it was pointless to buy them...
ooh to bad there all just viscious herbivores, except maybe a some haps like me nimbochromis, and one kind of mbuna i think
so they wont even eat the meet? :( wtf i dont wanna havta buy pirhana just to fulfill my twisted needs

cant i find a way to get them to eat meet
well i got ich treatment, this blue liquid... ive put it in the tank, says to treat for 3 days after its gone...

also, what do they do w/ the fish they kill then?
mine havent either :( i might end up geting a few bettas and fighting them for sport/entertainment (yes i know that sounds bad but i need this to help get rid of my stress,long story)



i wanna train my fish...
i want them to go threw this certain tunnel a bunch...
i have seen 2 go threw it...
the tunnel is long and is in my tank, its a 90* angle and is pvc pipe and about a foot or two long...
i want to see them go threw this alot, and on there own...
i need to find "treats" for them...
and how to reward them with the treats(one fish at a time)...
i have no idea how to accomplish this...
i have no idea why i am listing each sentance like this :(...
oh also how big are yellow labs/my other fish(its late im tired and i 4get-look threw the rest of this thread) how big is it when there considered adults/breeding age?

also gimme pros/cons of overstocking my tank(in different degree's too ie overstocking with 2-3fish, overstocking with 5-6fish, 10-12fish) you know...

dude i need some sleep...

is this thread turning into a something of a blog yet?

That's some interesting posts

Let's see...

•Fish, as far as I know, don't have the brain capacity to be trained. They can be mildly conditioned when it comes to food, but that's about it. If you have any success in training fish then by all means share it!

•Yellow labs grow to about 5". Most mbuna range from 4-6".

•Overstocking is a good way to keep aggresson under fatal levels with some types of cichlds, like mbuna. Overstocked tanks get dirty faster and tend to need more filtration and more frequent maintenance. Severely overstocked tanks become unstable and could end up leading toward a crash over time.

•I'm not sure I understand why you want to keep fish. Perhaps if it is violence you are looking for you can get a snake and feed it mice?
i dont like snakes, i got fish because i like fish, but i also wanna be able to see them tear the #### outa something every so often...
oh update, my newest fish(the blue/black ones) 1 im pretty sure is holding :), member how i told you she spit them eggs in my holding tank heh, well now shes hiding out in this little tube/corner, she doesnt come up to feed 95% of the time, but when she does she'll look at the food then when a peice floats by her shell pull it in then spit it back out a few secs later...

the problem is i dunno how else to tell then that, her mouth doesnt look to different then the rest of them...

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