my new fish! heh

i dont think my fish like me :( every time i see them out swimming around and i go by the tank they all hide :( how can i get them to like me?
Feed them :p

Whenever my fish see me they all come to the front of the glass like crazy hoping to get fed yet again. (pigs)
i do feed them, but i think i feed them too much, if i feed them less will they come to the glass?
Don't overfeed them!

You need to give them some time to get used to both their new home and you, they'll become less shy as time passes, and before you know it they won't stop begging for food.
what does the fish vibrating mean? one of my new fish went up to another then vibrated near the rocks then he/she chased the other fish all over the tank then stopped...

what was that?
That was a male strutting his stuff. :flex:
Either to say "Hey this is MY rock!" :grr:
or "Hey baby...check out my egg spots" :hey:
my fish have become active, seriously, just today theyve been coming around me, staying out in the open, and fighting :( what does swimming around in small circles mean? fighting is what i was guessing... (all my fish are doing this though wtf) oh oh my new fish(the blue ones) (witch are in a diff tank right now) were swimming around in that small circle(2 of them) then the 3rd joined in the circle and one moved out, then watched... it was like they were playing a game... i doubt it but is that mating, or courting or whatever? im pretty sure its fighting but still...
chaseing each others tails my labs did that thought it was cause they were schooling fish?
the petsamart website said they were
but i dunno
Chasing in circles is mild aggression, nothing to worry about in itself, but depending on species it may very well evolve into fighting.

No, there is no such thing as a schooling cichlid. The closest you get is schoaling ,like Cyprichromis from lake Tanganyika.
ok, newb question BUT i need ta know, why is it so bad to over feed them?
hey my convicts have these little white dots on all of there fins, im pretty sure its a disease(sp?) but what is it? /how much the meds cost?(hey im kinda strapped for cash for a few days)
mmost ;ikely ick theres a lot of meds for it but i haven't loked easy to cure for scaled fish though

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