my new fish! heh

the problem is i dunno how else to tell then that, her mouth doesnt look to different then the rest of them...

Take a closer look. If her throat does not look any different then spitting out food could also be a sign of bloat--which is fatal if you don't catch it.
well im not exactly sure what its supposed to look like either, also i got a new fish :p a yellow lab... the two i have are obviously either too young OR of the same sex, im hoping this little one will change the sex part atleast
oh oh update again, i went to some caves around my area and got some rocks, i boiled them and then put them in my tank... :)
heh my smallest pleco(like 1- 1 1/2 long) is cute and funny :p he is currently latched on to a chiclid pellet and is swimming around w/ it eating it :) he does some funny stuff mang... hes even brave enough to let me slightly touch him sometimes(sometimes heh) i dunno just thought id share :p
why doesnt anyone respond to my thread anymore? p.s how would a all demonsi tank look? i might be geting another 40gal for free :) :) :)
i got 2 bettas :) will a male betta be ok in my tank 3 red labs 2 gold labs 2convicts and 3 plecos and 2 maiganos

i got a male n a female betta, one is going in this jug(yeah i know but its only temp) and i was hoping to put the other in my mbuna tank, but witch one the male or female? i was hoping the male
also what kind of veggies can i feed my fish? they dont seem to like apples carrots or bannanas :(
TheeMon said:
i got 2 bettas :) will a male betta be ok in my tank 3 red labs 2 gold labs 2convicts and 3 plecos and 2 maiganos
I wouldn't recommend putting a betta in a mbuna tank. Also, it looks like you have mixed New World and African cichlids. This is not a good thing (as I have found out myself.) The cons shouldn't be in that tank.
why wont it work? theyve been fine so far(execpt 1 incident and its not other fishies fault, he got a disease)
The betta will be killed by the mbuna.

Bettas are slow swimmers and the mbuna will end up twice his size.

Right now you don't have a problem but you will find that the bettas tail will slowly start disappearing.

The betta is confortational too. It will not run from the mbuna.

I know your into fighting fish and all that but this will not be a contest the mbuna are fast and will start as a group nipping at his fins.

He will nto be able to fight back.
:( then he's going to stay in a liquior bottle then... i always liked that idea but i dont think the fish will

the female wont be ok in there either then? i figured the female would be ok in there or ida never bought her
hey could a pacu live successfully in my mbuna tank?

also i got another 40gal tank but i gotta convince my aunt to let me set it up(i need a link to a non drip syphon btw) but anyways i was gonna put a few specfic species in there and try to breed them :) :) ill update ya later
A pacu will not go in any of your tanks you really need to take some time and figure out what you want and what you can have instead of randomly buying fish, mbuna are best kept with mbuna try and stick to that, it's best not to risk it

just see what you have for tanks and what you want for fish we'll help you organize it

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