my new fish! heh

i think about ten fish maybe down to 8 if you mean that's a high tank, excludeing the pleco i don't know how that adds up
hey my powerhead is 170gph is that too strong? it looks like it might be...
hey guess what!!! omg i found some killer fish heh, ill post pics because i need them identified plz, ill barrow my aunts camra and take a zillion pics... get rdy to identify blue fish w/ latderl lines(long ways)
Blue with lateral lines? 10 bucks says it's a Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos maingano. Post a link to the pics when you got 'em. :fun:

they look exactly like the 3rd fish in your sig, but there a tad lighter...

does this mean i just paid 5.83 for a 50$ fish? :D

ebay here i come :D (jk)

that link should work in like 10mins, im still uploading the pics to there
oh another thing, there in a 10 gal umm newly appointed querenteen tank, also theres these little white things w/ hairs floating around them, they look like the things that come off dandeelions after they turn white(the seeds you blow everywhere) could these be a messed up batch of eggs? because i seen two of these fellows(i have 3, + another you gotta name) rubbin up agaist eachother in a weird way, kinda like they were vibrating...

i dunno anyways guess where i never thought to look but ended up to be where i found these, wal-mart!!! i was in there buying a mothersday card and i was like hell maybey there gravel/heaters are cheaper here(there not btw) and i seen the fish :D i nearly bought baby ones too then was like nah heh...
yeah they look a hellva lot like them, how much they worth? heh
Maingano's and Lombardoi's are sold from anywhere around 5 to 15 bucks around where I live. Depends how old they are.
The fuzzy things you described could either be rotting pellets or eggs. Get 'em outta the tank--rotting stuff produces bad fungus and bacteria.
it wasnt pellets, im feeding them flakes right now... it was eggs, yeay, + i think they have been eating them kuz theres not alot left, ill get the rest out asap
how can i tell what they are, f1 f0 n all that, a link to explaing that would be nice too... p.s anyone wanna queue some mainago fry? heh
kk, i figured, i still would like a link explaing how they get to be f1's
I'll just explain it..... G1 or F1 means that the parents of the fish in question were wild-caught. The wild caught parents would be considered F0 or G0.

Offspring of the F1 or G1 fish are considered F2/G2...and on...

You can really see a difference between fish closer to wild generations and general tired old in-bred stock found in most pet stores and definatly in chain stores. You'll generally see brighter colors, more pronounced lines and patterns, even bars, full fins, robust body shape... in the fish closer to wild generation.

To get wild-caught fish or fish guarenteed to be F1/or G1, you gotta find a diver/breeder who can prove to you the origins of his breeding stock. The best way to find these breeders is to go to a Fish Convention and do a little networking.

I got all my fish directly from a diver/breeder who has pictures of him and Ad Konigs hanging out at Ad's conservatory... pictures of them diving, pictures of the fish they caught, pics of him packing them bringing them home.... etc. He even let me work with him for a few weeks to learn about the biz.

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