My New 5ft Tank Has Arrived (some Pictures)

i think the tank looks fab!!

u are obviously working hard to stay on top of things,ie. water changes/testing,if i was u i would have a word with the lfs (fish store0 to see if he will buy any of the fry,now or in the future,otherwise youll be over run lol

we have all made mistakes, and stupid comments like "are you daft" wont do anything to help her wih the fishkeeping or help us as a site maintain our friendly reputation!!

again hun, keep up the grande job, any probs just ask.. were more than happy to help :)

shelagh xxxx
thank you catfish for apologisin, it means alot to me.

I sell them to fish shop for food or more fish or snake food.

But ATM it's cheaper than buying more fish LOL
Am i reading this wrongly - Did you say you have a white spot problem? Or did it turn out to be sand on the fishies?

(old topic I know but a tank update would be good too)

How is it all going?
It's really nice to see a newbie with a big tank. A common misconception is that small tanks are easier. Actually big tanks are easier because they're more stable.

I'm sorry you got some bad advice from the shop regarding stocking, but hopefully you'll be able to salvage the situation - as I said, big tanks, more stable, much easier. Well done for getting rid of the white spot.

You sound like a very consciencious fishkeeper, welcome to the hobby! you're the sort of person we want around.

it's also a misconception that fish need feeding every day. They can go more than a week without food without suffering. I'd advise not feeding very much at all until your filter has had a bit of time to mature.
Such a lovely tank. I'm a newbie too and it's amazing what the pet shops say which is utter nonsense. I've learned more here in a few days than I have all the time I've ever visited my pet shop.
Was funny because the other day when I picked up my new tank I mentioned cycling the tank and the assistant looked at me like I'd spoke a foreign language. I felt kinda smug hehe. I still have so much to learn and I'm realizing this is the beauty of the hobby.
It's like learning about marine life, chemistry etc all in one go.

But back to your tank (which I'm secretly jealous of hehe) your comments show you are a lover of fish which is the main thing - you're doing the best you can and if anything it's a great learning curve.

I've really enjoyed seeing these pictures and I can't wait to hear how your beautiful fish are getting on as time goes by. :good:
WOW... Just wow and some of the smack talking BS in this thread.

This forum used to be so friendly... now someone inexperienced comes in for advice and they get unhelpful anal-retentives bellowing at them

Some of you people need to get a friggin grip. you had no knowledge of fishkeeping once... and i'm sure you made mistakes too.

On to the tank.

It looks lovely. Well done.

You have probably added too many fish too quickly and in your rush to stock your tank you have added a disease.

Some friendly advice...

Before buying ANY fish. do your research. Do not just head off to the shop and buy whatever they have. You really need to take the needs of the fish into account before buying... there are inumerable resources on the internet that can help with stocking your tank. If you'd read up, you'd know that young clownloachs can be very delicate, prone to whitespot and are intolerate of unstable water conditions.

As it is, you have a new uncycled tank and are adding medication. Not the best situtation for the long term health or your fish. However the situation can be managed.

You have caused a problem here... you need medication in the water, but also need the tank to cycle. Also, clownloaches and plecs do not like salt. DO NOT ADD SALT.

My advice would be to increase the temperature of your tank to 31 degrees C. SLOWLY... over a day or two. Then hold this temperature until all signs of whitespot are gone and hold it there for a further 5 days. During this time, continue testing the water and do several large water changes (with water of the same temperature). Add a commerical maturing agent, like cycle from hagen or the equivalent from tetra ( i forget the name).

Whitespot cannot replicate at this higher temperature and will die off... however you need to hold the temperature even after the as whitespot has a cyst stage and you need to wait for all of the cysts to hatch.

you need to watch your fish carfully for any signs of distress as warmer water holds less oxygen - however i notice your tank has an overhead filter so you should be fine in terms of aeration.

I have used this method of dealing with whitespot several times and it worked for me.

Please do NOT add any more fish for at least a month.... that time should give you plenty of opportunity to research fish that will make good additions to your tank.

Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
Hi tayliajayne, fantastic looking tank - well done :good:

I've skimmed through your thread and I'm surprised that nobody has suggested using Bactinettes. They are used to seed a tank's filter and can be very useful in situations such as yours. If done correctly, your tank could be sorted out in 24 hours. All you have to do is pour some little balls from a tub into your filter, but the success depends on how well they have been stored, as they need to be kept refridgerated.

If you can get your hands on some (they're not sold everywhere) it's probably worth giving them a go. You'll need a few tubs for your tank.

havnt been on for acople of weeks as been busy with xmas,
well my tank has fully cycled. its been more than 6 weeks now.
last week i put some filterboost in the filter.
did a water test today and everything is perfect.

i have put some more things in the tank like bigger slates and more plants and little pebles.
which i picked up at a river near me.

heres some pictures.....

havnt been on for acople of weeks as been busy with xmas,
well my tank has fully cycled. its been more than 6 weeks now.
last week i put some filterboost in the filter.
did a water test today and everything is perfect.

i have put some more things in the tank like bigger slates and more plants and little pebles.
which i picked up at a river near me.

heres some pictures.....


tank is looking great!

i love that cave, ive not got round to making mine yet :rolleyes:
just finished reading this from start to finish, the highs and lows, but gotta say that to take on such a big tank is credit to you. My local store that sold me my tank only said that I had to leave the water in for 1 week, no water changes nothing, and then i could add as many as i felt was needed! We believe what they tell us, and i can understand that sometimes the impatience of it all gets too much and we say what the hell.
You have done a fantastic job and i am sure you are now wiser than before and will soon be passing on your experiences to others, like me that are going the 5ft route!
Well done!

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