My Nano Diary.

kool thx. added a boxer shrimp to it yesterday (a yellow one ;D) could not resist so awsome looking! how long would you guys suggest to wait between adding corals?
ok a lil update for you all.

i added some live rock, and i got a c=gorilla crab hitch hikker. so i got him out today (finally) but he took my yellow boxer shrimp and my pistol shrimp out before i got him :(.

i had a pink spot goby (to go with the pistol shrimp) but when the shrimp got gorilled he went mad and got bossy. so i took him back and swapped him for a green manderin.

added a 18uk gal refugium with feather callurpa and mirical mud.

i also added some maidens hair algae today ;) looks awsome!

you can see pics in the members nano tank thread.

;) thx for looking.
over flow is done with pipes, same way a overflow box works but its just round pipes :D lot cheaper ;)

just got my t5s today slapped em on and wooo it looks great




Looks cool!

Any more info on how you did the overflow side of it - ie what you used etc?

Something I would like to do is add a sump to our tank (which is undrilled) via an overflow. But im sure my diy skiils are not up to the acrylic bending etc used on melevs site :p
heres the link

made by one of our very own members :)

Looks very nice and clean :)

Do you have to scrape much coraline off the glass?

no i dont get its any where bar the rock :S i think my calcium lvl is a lil low tho tbh, tho i dont test it so i could be wrong :D

either that or i got sommats in the tank that eats it lol :p

Ah yes, modding :D

well 'modding' is probably an optimistic term :lol:

Damn cabinet has a nasty central divider - which will need removing and then re-strengthening with a filled 40gal on top :X

could all end in disaster with a visit from the "Grim Reefer" i mean reaper :p
Those pesky center supports... I used a nice piece of steel in my cabinet to remove mine and maintain strength :D Good thing it was free :blush:
yeah my tank stand has a nasty bit like that. so instead of risking a collapse, i put my refugium under my desk :D

got a load of frags today :D gotta love cleaning the coral tanks at work :D :D :D

got a load of frags today :D gotta love cleaning the coral tanks at work :D :D :D


You clean them with a hammer now i guess :p
Whoops knocked a bit off...whoops and another bit :fun:

lol well if a nice coral has a smaller frag next to it its possible it can snap off as i lift them up ;D

i got loads of frags in my tank now lol, cant wait till the propogate and carpet my tank :D


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