My Nano Diary.

ammo: 0.50
no2: 0
no3: 20
ph: 8.0

its still cycling, but i think its nearly done.

i am using my freshwater test kit, but i emailed the supplier and they say its all fine to use with marine tanks except the low range ph test. :D
If you research the Nitrogen cycle then you'll realise that you are nowhere near the end as you still have Ammonia present.

What I thinks happening is there isn't enough Nitrosococcus bacteria to convert the Ammonia to Nitrite due to the massive Ammonia spike that must have happened when you freshwater dipped the first lot of live rock. The fact you have zero Nitrite could indicate that the minute amount of Nitrite that is being produced is being converted to Nitrate by the Nitrococcus bacteria on your 'new' live rock (the stuff you didn't freshwater dip) and thus giving the Nitrate readings and this Nitrate is feeding the diatoms as would happen in a normal cycle.
If this theory is correct then you still have a Nitrite spike to go, then the final Nitrate spike with a big diatom bloom signalling the end.

I could be wrong and the Nitrae readings are caused by something else which means that the cycle hasn't really started and you will soon be seeing a huge Ammonia spike.
i know all about the nitrogen cycle, from my freshwater tanks :p, and thats what i was thinking was happening. the new rocks are converting a lil of the ammonia all the way to nirtrates but the cycle aint completed on the dipped rocks :) just wated to make sure :p
You did say that you thought it was almost done? If what I suspect is happening is correct then you have a possible 2 - 4 weeks or so to go :/

I can recognise the signs of impatience so just take your time, check your water regularly and wait until there is no Ammonia, no Nitrite and rising Nitrates before you start to think about adding any livestock to the tank.
ok just tested my water again and the results are as follows:

ammonia: 0pom
no2: 0ppm
no3: 20ppm

tested my water yesterday tho and the ammonia was at 0.50ppm then i added my skimmer, and the heat + oxygen in the water will speed up the cycle, but this much ??? jesus its like a turbo cycle !

will test the water f rthe next few day to be sure its ok (could just be a flux) but if all is ok for the next few days i can add a CC cant i?? (after a water change of corse :) )


I would test the water daily for a couple of days to make sure it isn't just an error. If all is well then a CC can be added after a 25% water change. Remember though that doing a water change mid-cycle can cause the cycle to break down so be sure that it is finished.
yeah, tho my skimmer picked up like a 1/4" of proto sludge in one night :S

any recomendations on breeds of snails/crabs to get for my CC?
i was thinking of a arrow crab they look kool but i dont know if they would be suitable for a 18gal tank :/

oh and my hermit crab survived :D yay!
Arrow crabs are a little big for an 18g IMO and they can predate on small fish like gobies so could hamper your choices when it comes to stocking, the same would go for a CBS (coral banded shrimp).

I personally would get:

5 x Scarlet/Red Leg Hermits
10 x Astrea (Turbo) Snails
10 x Dwarf Blue Leg Hermits
just an update, my water params are low so i got a small clean crew the other day, gonna go get the other half of my CC and a few fish today :), one quick question.

at what point can i atart adding corals?

they are all 0, except the nitrate thats at 5ppm, i now have 10 turbo snails and 2 blue leg hermit crabs, 3 electric blue hermit crabs and 1 red leg hermit crab, i aslo got a leather mushroom. i am gonna add 2 clown fish on sunday if the params are still ok.
IMO you should wait at least a month before adding any corals to the tank. Add the fish slowly and let the live rock, etc. sort out the increased bioload before adding corals otherwise you'll be wasting money.
Agreed.....the most common mistake made in nano reefing is adding corals to your tank immediately after cycling. Most people who do this lose their corals. SH
corals doing fine so far, all lvls are within ok params.

only fish i am gonna have in there are 2 clowns and a firefish.

spotted a strange thing in my tank 2day, its like a lil blob and it has about 8 tenticles, the tenticles are about 6cm long :S seems to grab some coral sand and yank it back to clean it :S bizzare!

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