black molly3
Fish Herder
ok thanks for that. if i can get off work early today i might shoot down to the lfs to get the rest of my CUC and have a look at the corals.
The leather to avoid in a new tank is fiji yellow leather, ski told me in my journal Truck.
ok thanks for that. if i can get off work early today i might shoot down to the lfs to get the rest of my CUC and have a look at the corals.
second the firefish, although i have not kept one i have seen some amazing specimens. some with yellow noses and purple flanksHave a look a the purple firefish they are lovely looking fish (I have one) they are out while lights are on, and will go to bed in their cave at night, they can jump when spooked, so you will have to watch this, IMO would be a perfect fish for your tank.
As for corals have a look at Ricordea's you can get some lovely colours the fluorescent colours are lovely under blue moonlights
/[/URL] I have bought from here they are very good
wait! how long has it been acclimatizing for? because leathers will sulk for days on end if it isnt done for long enough.ok thanks for the advice. do you think i should wait until the week after to add my first fish then. it will probably be a T.M.C tank bred oc clown as they are the smallest. right then going to let my leather out i am going to give the hammer a bit longer.
what you should do is use buckets and put the coral and the water they came with in the bucket. then use some airline with a clamp to release one drop of water every 1 second until the bucket is full. this way you wont get any die off. 1 hour isnt very long for a leather. i would have done 2 hours at least! adding a cup at a time isnt the best method either.been acclimatising for about an hour he is in and his polyps are coming out after about 3 mins of being in. i floated them for about 20 mins cut both bags then added about a cup full of tank water to the bag every 10 mins infact it is probably more an hour and a half. is this meathod ok he looks fine coming right out. he is at the top of my tank getting most light. i am going to place the hammer less of a flow area when i let it out in about 15 mins