My Marine Journal

i could not get a nirtate test kit today as we where out of stock. also i have no prawns to put in my little crab trap so what other things could i put in there. because i never got my nitrate test i am not going to do the water change yet. however my diatoms are only growing slowly they havent expannded much since i have seen them. is this an indication that there are no nitrates there for the algea to consume therefore the algea isnt growing.
you could also...
use a net and put it into the water and hold it, then tie a piece of raw bacon on a piece of wire or cotton, then wait till he grabs it pull it out and hold the net underneath so if he lets go it catches him.
well my pom pom xenia came today at half 8 but i was just leaving so i left him float until 11 when i came back and then climatised it in the tank. i have found a realy good spek for him and they seem to be comeing out quite quick. i will post some pics when he is fully out. i must get a CUC diatoms are spreading to substrate. no luck with mr crab backon is still in the cup.
Did you see my previous post about the nassarius and ceriths. If you message from your ebay account, they will let you know a price for the amount of snails you require which will include P&P. I did not need as many as is in the pack either. Checked the few sites I found had Nass listed, they are still out of stock. Try the people Trod recommended aswell.
You will need Turbos / Astreas and hermit crabs aswell, have a look at trucks post again, he gave you some numbers. Highly unlikely you will get all from the same place. I couldn't. My lfs did not have nassarius snails either.
Try looking at the one trod said, see if you can get everything, otherwise you will need to use 2 different places.
have i missed something why cant u keep the shrimp with a clown, or is this because of there aggresive nature again.

my 54 litre will more then likely have the following:

3 blue knuckle hermit (i find reds lazy)
3 turbo
2 trochus
2 cerith
1 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint.

most of my past reef tanks though have been run with just red leg hermits and turbo snails, decieded its time to branch out.
in a tank of this size that has a volume of a approx 35 or less litres with displacement, the clowns wont have much space and will be very aggressive towards other tank mates.
what experiance do you have to back up a clown attacking a shrimp in a nano can i ask?
thats cool but thats only one experiance with the cause.

i could say ive kept one coral beauty in a reef was fine, thought yeh il do that again and it ate everything.

its why i love marines its not black and white (unless were talking about clowns) :)
:lol: nice terminology, thats why im hesitant to try things with marine, but i wouldnt try it again. it worked for 3 months and then bam!

but thats why i enjoy marine, because everytime you do something its different
What type of clowns were they? Had they formed a pair and started to think about breeding, caursing the increased agression mebe?
What type of clowns were they? Had they formed a pair and started to think about breeding, caursing the increased agression mebe?
feasible explanation, but they had only just started to develop if you get my drift? just starting to bond. they were tank bred percs, renowned for good behaviour lol
done my first water change today. never got my nitrate kit again as we are out of stock but the diatom algea will be eating away the nitrates and my nitrites are low so should be ok. little cloudy the tank. think i may have stotted the smallest aiptesia in the world so i ordered some aiptesia x from the internet should be here in a few days. tomorrow my dad is taking me up to a petshop in wavetree called wavetree nook aquarium if anyone is from around ytat area it is worth ahving a look lol great selection. i will get 4 turbos 1 nausious or whatever cant spell haha and maybee 2 cerius alog with a peppermint to keep aiptesia and majanos uot of my way.

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