My Managerie of Tanks

Before a trim

After a trim

View of the bacopa australis in the back...

It was a little overgrown lol
Water cleared day later.
Looks great, Cass. But I'm missing Hammerhead (sad sigh)
Us too. My son is bummed a lot because he specifically picked Hammerhead himself. Feels weird just 2 goldfish, but I've resisted the urge to get another thus far. Spotty and Neowise seem fine just the two for company. Spotty is just as quick and mobile to get food for himself, all his fins don't seem to hinder him in that aspect, and both being boys they don't really bicker much. But Neo was raised with fancies from a tiny tiny fry, he's never been around other commons, so either he doesn't boss them around because that's all he knows or I got lucky in that aspect.

I've tried to keep it 2 fancies and the 1 common because figured if there was a risk of any harassment from the common it'd be spread between more fish, but Neo has proved to be a really good temperament fish. For now it's just observation and planning to keep it the two boys, unless their social dynamic changes in any negative way or I get suckered into a cute face at the store

This tank houses 2 goldfish, 1 common pleco, 1 bn pleco, 1 ceratogarra cambodgiensis, and 7 hoplosternum punctatum. No upper level fish aside from the 2 goldfish, but everyone BUT the bn pleco do swim midwater at times, so it's not lacking for activity lol it's just weird being down to 2 goldfish after years of having 3.
Just a couple pics today.

This turd looking cute after his prank on me the other Dat

Chonky pangio boy sitting on a rock

One of my frogs sitting on his botanicals with his face out of the water. Exactly why I placed it this way.
Juvie ancistrus cf cirrhosis x triradiatus, maybe male as something nubs are starting on the nose where bristles would develop.

One of my male chaetostoma formosae, unusually has very red fins.


Mr Apisto looking for tetra eggs in the plants (my hyphessobrycon elachys spawn daily)

Mr Apisto fitting in with the cories

Molly the big aenea sitting with her boy friends and Miss Wiggles behind them (Miss Wiggles has a deformity of her spine, I took her in from a local who was shutting down her tank due to health issues)
Just a couple pictures of an osteogaster eques today


You have absorbed the new cory taxonomy faster than I. I'm still looking each one up before I refer to them. I got with the program pretty quickly when they blew up Puntius, but not this time. I can't imagine what it will be like when they finally split up Hyphessobrycon, Hemigrammus and the like. 200 species between them.

You have absorbed the new cory taxonomy faster than I. I'm still looking each one up before I refer to them. I got with the program pretty quickly when they blew up Puntius, but not this time. I can't imagine what it will be like when they finally split up Hyphessobrycon, Hemigrammus and the like. 200 species between them.
They've already begun with the tetras!

It's pay walled though, but some general screenshots shared with me from some others who have access... not everything.





I find it easier to start with the species you keep, get used to calling them by another name, and go from there. Its a a lot to change to.

It helps with the corydoras group to remember the lineages and know what lineages were sent where. Lineage 4 and 5 are now gastrodermus for example. That includes the elegans type cories and pygmy cories! They're the same genus now.
They've already begun with the tetras!

It's pay walled though, but some general screenshots shared with me from some others who have access... not everything.

View attachment 358590
Holy cow! Thanks for this! Hopefully my learning curve hasn't collapsed.

I see that Stan Weitzman's "Rosy Tetra' clade has materialized in this revision as Megalamphodus. We corresponded for some thirty years and exchanged Nannostomus several times. I had asked him once why nobody had further picked apart Hyphessobrycon and Hemigrammus and he said "Because it doesn't stop there. Astyanax, Moenkhausia and several others will fall as well." And here we are. I wish he had lived to see it.
Holy cow! Thanks for this! Hopefully my learning curve hasn't collapsed.

I see that Stan Weitzman's "Rosy Tetra' clade has materialized in this revision as Megalamphodus. We corresponded for some thirty years and exchanged Nannostomus several times. I had asked him once why nobody had further picked apart Hyphessobrycon and Hemigrammus and he said "Because it doesn't stop there. Astyanax, Moenkhausia and several others will fall as well." And here we are. I wish he had lived to see it.
Now we gotta wait for stores to all catch on to the name changes haha they still haven't changed the cories yet, in many stores.

It's crazy to see all the changes, thanks to DNA analysis now. I wonder how far it'll go. It'll be slow, I'm sure, because while it's not as expensive as it used to be, it's still adds up in costs.

Hyphessobrycon really really needed a rework, so many species being lumped into it that are definitely different in shape and such.
I'm going to wait until I have a renamed species to learn any of those, lol. They may change more before I catch up.
It's crazy to see all the changes, thanks to DNA analysis now. I wonder how far it'll go. It'll be slow,
Far, if Corydoras, Cichlasoma and Puntius--other catch-all genera that have been shattered--are an indicator.
I'm going to wait until I have a renamed species to learn any of those, lol. They may change more before I catch up.
It won't be long until they change something that you've got I'm sure 🤣

Far, if Corydoras, Cichlasoma and Puntius--other catch-all genera that have been shattered--are an indicator.
I'd like to see some of the numbered plecos and apistos classified

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