If they'd live in UK, yes.Also, if you see a member with lots of plants you like. I wouldn't hesitate to ask if they would be willing to ship some.
But I do agree with you, kinda of what I do already. From last time I kept fish I only improved substrate and lighting. I might get Tropica's CO2 kit, it's something I always wanted to do. I just hate seeing my plants thrive then for no reason stall as if something's missing.
My crypt wendtii got so bushy and shot out a sprout that is growing pretty fast. My vallis grows 1m long in 2 days (I wish I was joking, that plant is mad af). Guppy grass was doing well, until it was completely destroyed by apple snails that on their own caused me an issue with eBay (I was scammed) so I will get it for my fry rearing tank. Pearl weed didn't do well at all, it wouldn't budge. Bacopa compact and caroliniana used to do well, right now it's throwing a hissy fit. My amazon swords, well they're amazon swords (they're doing good).
Pennywort bottom is having meltdowns, but too isn't toppled and keeps doing what a creeping plant does best so just need to keep locking bottom away (throwing away into the shadow realm). My crypt balansea (whatever it's called) is doing well, recovering from apple snail destruction. Crypt undualata is slow, maybe infected with apple snail braincells (cause snails are slow, right?).
My plan is to get more pennywort to keep giving it a chance, wait and see what bacopa does ao if it dies it dies and gets replaced.
There are many plants I wanna get and try to see if they do well, if they won't then well I'll keep trying. Hit or miss