My Managerie of Tanks

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Also, if you see a member with lots of plants you like. I wouldn't hesitate to ask if they would be willing to ship some.
If they'd live in UK, yes.

But I do agree with you, kinda of what I do already. From last time I kept fish I only improved substrate and lighting. I might get Tropica's CO2 kit, it's something I always wanted to do. I just hate seeing my plants thrive then for no reason stall as if something's missing.

My crypt wendtii got so bushy and shot out a sprout that is growing pretty fast. My vallis grows 1m long in 2 days (I wish I was joking, that plant is mad af). Guppy grass was doing well, until it was completely destroyed by apple snails that on their own caused me an issue with eBay (I was scammed) so I will get it for my fry rearing tank. Pearl weed didn't do well at all, it wouldn't budge. Bacopa compact and caroliniana used to do well, right now it's throwing a hissy fit. My amazon swords, well they're amazon swords (they're doing good).
Pennywort bottom is having meltdowns, but too isn't toppled and keeps doing what a creeping plant does best so just need to keep locking bottom away (throwing away into the shadow realm). My crypt balansea (whatever it's called) is doing well, recovering from apple snail destruction. Crypt undualata is slow, maybe infected with apple snail braincells (cause snails are slow, right?).

My plan is to get more pennywort to keep giving it a chance, wait and see what bacopa does ao if it dies it dies and gets replaced.
There are many plants I wanna get and try to see if they do well, if they won't then well I'll keep trying. Hit or miss
If they'd live in UK, yes.

But I do agree with you, kinda of what I do already. From last time I kept fish I only improved substrate and lighting. I might get Tropica's CO2 kit, it's something I always wanted to do. I just hate seeing my plants thrive then for no reason stall as if something's missing.

My crypt wendtii got so bushy and shot out a sprout that is growing pretty fast. My vallis grows 1m long in 2 days (I wish I was joking, that plant is mad af). Guppy grass was doing well, until it was completely destroyed by apple snails that on their own caused me an issue with eBay (I was scammed) so I will get it for my fry rearing tank. Pearl weed didn't do well at all, it wouldn't budge. Bacopa compact and caroliniana used to do well, right now it's throwing a hissy fit. My amazon swords, well they're amazon swords (they're doing good).
Pennywort bottom is having meltdowns, but too isn't toppled and keeps doing what a creeping plant does best so just need to keep locking bottom away (throwing away into the shadow realm). My crypt balansea (whatever it's called) is doing well, recovering from apple snail destruction. Crypt undualata is slow, maybe infected with apple snail braincells (cause snails are slow, right?).

My plan is to get more pennywort to keep giving it a chance, wait and see what bacopa does ao if it dies it dies and gets replaced.
There are many plants I wanna get and try to see if they do well, if they won't then well I'll keep trying. Hit or miss
Try anchoring pennywort by tangling it into things or use suction cups to hold it in place on the glass. It doesn't like to be buried in substrate.
I found some Potamogeton gayi at petsmart of all places yesterday. It needs some tlc but it's a good plant.

I've got it in my Paraguay tank and it does fantastic there. Gets nice red tones when it's in good health.


Sometimes worth checking on stock days or couple days after to see what "assorted potted plants" they get... sometimes get some hidden gems.
Try anchoring pennywort by tangling it into things or use suction cups to hold it in place on the glass. It doesn't like to be buried in substrate.
Ohhh! It doesn't like being in the substrate? Must be why it's having a mental breakdown lmao
Ohhh! It doesn't like being in the substrate? Must be why it's having a mental breakdown lmao
It's prone to melting where it's buried. Best success is tangling it up with some oak sticks and letting it hang out in place
Some photos from the Paraguay tank from last night

Apistogramma borelli

Hoplisoma paleatum, this is one of the 2 males I bought to add fresh genes to the group I have a total of 3 males out of the entire group of 15 lol

Botanicals, the magnolia leaves I added last week are already skeletons.

All those guides that claim Heteranthera zostifolia (stargrass) stays short midground/foreground plants are not accurate. This bush of it reaching 18-20" tall (55g tank is 21.5" tall). Plant is an underrated beast.

Now if the hoplisoma could stop digging things our, that'd be awesome.
This tank has officially been setup for an entire year, here's the then vs now



All that stargrass started from the few stems you see in the first picture on the right side.

Vals and swords got pulled to other tanks inevitably as things filled in, mostly because they're not from Paraguay, which this tank is based on.
Apistogramma borelli, these may be among my top favourite photos I've gotten of both of them

Rare photos nice and clear of my hyphessobrycon elachys. These are by far my favourite tetra species.

One of my bario forestii (formerly Moenkhausia forestii). Looks very similar to bario sanctaefilomenae (formerly Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae, aka red eye tetra) However has a red tone to it, is smaller, the scale pattern is morphologically different, and the lateral line is not complete like it is with sanctaefilomenae. I've got a mixed group of both.

Some pictures of my hemigrammus erythrozonus, including a big yawn


Pangio oblonga

Hoplisoma paleatum, my darkest individual. She's been dark even from a tiny fry.

Ancistrus triradiatus x ancistrus cf cirrhosis hybrid juvenile

And lastly, my Bunocephalus larai, have fun trying to find her

The lighting from my window hit just right when one of my apistos was in his pod, casting a rainbow onto his face

Molly the cory from my dentist with her new companions

Paleatum chilling on a rock in the afternoon sunlight
Turned on my tank lights today and this dude giving me a heart attack again.

Just casually sleeping on his back 🙄 not the first time he's done it.

Moments after I tapped the glass he got up and went back into his cave.

Had to go back a few years to find the gif I had of him doing it before lol
Fresh after water change, equipment not turned back on yet for that photo. Still some bubbles from the fresh water but the 135g

Since I had size checked the goldfish recently, decided to size check the Pterygoplichthys pardalis (common pleco). My forearm measures 18" from fingertip to elbow, which puts him at about 16".

How I do my weekly filter cleanings on the 135g, vacuum out the ceramic media.

These filters are powered by these:

And this heater I keep on the 135g I am blown away by how good it is! Mind you I only run it in the winter, but it's the most accurate (I've checked with digital Thermometer as well) and most stable and user friendly heater I've ever bought. I think this will be the brand I stick with when I need to upgrade the old heaters in my other tanks. Shows both the programmed temperature and the actual temperature of the tank on the outer control and it's programmable straight from that--don't need to remove the heater from the tank.

And this smug bugger after he scared me yesterday. He thinks he's funny

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