My Long Fins Are Spawning Again... They Won't Hatch!

Maybe they are still feeding on the sac. You watch your eggs and fry much closer than I do :blink: I have not seen a real difference in the eggs. :blush: They all look white/off white to me in the albino tank. I just collect them and raise what hatches. :rolleyes: Right now I have not been collecting the LF albinos. I had a full stock. I probably will again soon.

Someone wasted my day yesterday making me hang around to look at a car over and over that I have for sale, then not buying. I think she will be back; it is a good deal for an older car. This is the second time she has wasted my time and been unprepared to do business. I was very annoyed by the end of it yesterday. So I am way behind with my weekend tasks! :angry: :X :grr:
People just don't consider the fact that others may have things to do even when they don't! I hate that.

That is what I do... I watch the fish! I stay at home, and I rarely even turn the tv on. I spend my free time watching my tanks. There are 4 in the living room, 1 in Shay's room, and 3 in my room. That is enough to keep me busy.
By the way... My sister brought me another 10g! That is in the living room. I now have a free tank for my sick fish!
I need another big one though... :hyper:
I always think I need another tank! :rolleyes: :lol: :wub:
That is what I do... I watch the fish! I stay at home, and I rarely even turn the tv on. I spend my free time watching my tanks. There are 4 in the living room, 1 in Shay's room, and 3 in my room. That is enough to keep me busy.
By the way... My sister brought me another 10g! That is in the living room. I now have a free tank for my sick fish!
I need another big one though... :hyper:
I always think I need another tank! :rolleyes: :lol: :wub:

Preaching to the choir. OMTS :friends:
I may soon have 2 tanks empty! :sick:
I found a pic... I have anchor worms! I hope someone will respond on what med is ok with my fish and plants soon. I would really hate for it to wipe out my big tank. There is a lot of money tied up in that tank!

omts... I knew you would understand. :lol:
Hikari medications

It treats flukes, taprworm, flatworms, turbellrians. It is safe and will not harm the bio filtration. It is safe in marine aquariums so would think it wull not harm plants, But I have sent a message to find out.

Do you know if anchor wirms fall under one of the above categories?

It is "non-toxic to commonly kept aquarium animals or plants".

It has been hailed even with loach enthusiasts (loaches are very sensitive to many medications as they are scaleless) as a real breakthrough in the treatment of parasites.

This was my post and reply from Bryan

Quote from: jollysue on August 26, 2007 01:44PM

Does PrazilPro treat anchor worm? Is it safe for plants?

I would recommend using Dimilin if your treating anchor worms, however, be sure that is what you are treating as they are rarely seen in the hobby today unless in pond fish. Jungle Pond Anchors Away is an easy to use and find product.


As to plants, he didn't say. Google the med.
:blink: You would think something solid white would be easy to find on black sand... :blink:
I can only find one of the wigglers. The eggs are even missing. I know they are in there somewhere, but I can't find them.
I think I am just too tired.

Petco is having a tank sale. I went after meds... I came home with meds, another 55g, and two 20g long tanks! :hyper:
I have to find a place to put them so I can get them out of my blazer. Sometimes that omts hits hard!
I just have to find a place I can squeeze them in that is near a plug... :shifty: I may have to get rid of some furnature.
When I find a place to put them I should have plenty of room for a lot more fish! :drool: :hyper:
What are you still doing up?

I think I would begin to treat the sick fish in one of those new aquariums, getting them out of the infected ones. Then you would not have to worry about the plants and could concentrated on clearing up the fish's troubles. There is a chemical that you can use to dip plants in that will disinfect them. I forget the name, but it is available at a plumbing store. It is toxic but not to plants. The filters also need to be taken apart and totally disinfected. I would soak everything in bleach and boil what I can.

I added the last pm from Bryan to the emergency thread. I have been posting in 2 places and PMing you. haha

You are a very bad GRL. 3 tanks! lol
I know. I am all over the place on this one. :rolleyes:
I thought of taking the sick ones out and treating them seperately, but I am afraid not to treat them all. The others may have them too and just not bad enough for me to know yet. Plus... these things are hiding in that tank somewhere. I just figured it would be easier to treat everything together at one time.
If you think of what you dip the plants in let me know. I may take them out and do that. I need to stir the substrate to make sure the meds gets down in there too. I don't want any worms to hide in there and attack again later. I would dump it and start over, but there is almost $100.00 worth of ecco complete in there. I can't afford to replace it. :crazy:
I am going to remove everything I can and disinfect as much as possible. Some of it (wood) may go in the trash.

I am still hunting my other wiggler. I don't know how they can possibly be so hard to find. I have even checked in the sponge and filter! ????

My black longfin is mia also. It is really hard to find. It is the same color as the sand! :blink:

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