My Long Fins Are Spawning Again... They Won't Hatch!

Silly little Corys. They look good. They should be happy in their lovely home.
I hope so. The albino fry you sent is the one in the corner. It has grown really fast. The dark one hasn't grown much at all. I don't understand why it is still so small. It is hard to find on black sand, but I see it atleast once a day. It stays hidden most of the time.
Why would one be growing really fast and the other one not? They have been together the whole time. They have had the same conditions and the same foods. It still looks healthy but very small.

I added clout in the fry tank again today. As of a few minutes ago the eggs still look good. I am checking them every few hours. These eggs are the only thing in the fry tank. I moved all the fry to the 29g, and I lost all the eggs I had in this one the last time. I hate that. They were all albino eggs. I have not gotten an albino to hatch and live yet. The regular ones I have no problem with. This is another thing I don't understand. Are the albino ones more delicate or something?

My long fins keep giving me eggs so I can keep trying, but the albino bronze don't. They have only given me eggs twice. They waited a long time in between spawns too. I know they are old enough. They are quite large, and I have had them for a good while. I don't know what the problem is. Hopefully they will give me more eggs soon. I would really like to have some more of them too.

I have to get some sleep now. Later...
Thanks :good:
Just a quick update.
So far I don't see fungus. The eggs are 3 days old now. From what the other kinds did, I guess they could start to hatch any time now. They are darker than they were, but they are still not very dark. Do albino eggs get as dark as regular ones?
I have just slowed down the water movement some. It was pretty fast. I don't want to blow them away when they hatch.

Should I add carbon to remove the meds now or should I wait until all of the eggs have hatched?
I am unsure what to do. Should I keep adding meds or start working it out of the water now?

I didn't add meds. I decided to stop. :unsure:
BAD DECISION!!!!!!!! :shout: :crazy: :shout: :shout: :sick: :shout:
I noticed a little fungus starting today! I have now added more clout. :X I hope it isn't too late. :look:
None of the eggs have tried to hatch yet. The tank isn't as warm as before so I guess it is going to take a little longer. More time for me to stress the fungus thing... I wish they would hurry up and hatch. I usually have pretty good luck with them once they hatch. The eggs are what I have the most trouble with.
I will be happy if I can just get 4 or 5 to hatch and live. I would really like to get a couple of females at least. I only have one. If anything happened to her it would be over. That's not good.
I had to remove the rotala from the tank. The clout was killing it. The moss still looks ok though.
I will be glad when the meth and egg tumbler (shrimp hatchery) gets here. I ordered the one you hook a 2 liter bottle to. I hope it works. I just have to figure out what size air pump to use with it.
I ordered it from aquariumguys. I have never used them before, but I was told they were good. I figured I would give them a try. I guess we will see.
I will check back in later. I have to try to sleep now.
Thanks :good:
Some are getting fungus, and some are gone...
Yes... GONE!!!
They were on the glass earlier, and they are not there now. I can't find them anywhere in the tank. There is nothing in the tank that could have messed with them. I guess/ hope they hatched and are hiding. I have one empty shell still on the glass. I am pretty sure at least one hatched. It is no longer in the shell...
There are several still on the glass that I am still watching. I even broke out the magnifying glass, but I can't find any fry or missing eggs any where in there. I really really hope they are ok. I find my self stairing at the tank trying to see something wiggle. I will let you know when and if I do.
It is after 2:00am. I need to try to sleep.
All of the eggs that are left have fungus.
I am still hunting the ones that went missing. I don't know if they hatched or not. I have not found anything yet. I am checking the filter too. (just in case) They have to be somewhere. I think...
What could have happened?
Could the clout have killed them when they hatched?
This is really way over me. I have never used Clout although I have used QuickCure, it's little brother. I know it is a very strong med, but that is all. I am still inclined to think they are still young and not quite "ripe." But what do I know? Hopefully someone knows or you will get some viable production soon.
Clout contains organophosphorus compounds, the use of which always requires particular care (or so i believe).
It entails severe stress for fish.
I personally thought clout was more suitable as a treatment for parasites (unless someone mentioned this earlier on in this thread)?
From what little i've read i'd certainly think clout is more than capable (and likely) of (to) being (be) a killer, particularly concerning undeveloped or stressed fish.
I have found 2 eggs with tails. They look like they died while trying to get out of the egg! :crazy:
I still don't know for sure if any survived hatching. I am still hunting...
You could be right. I think about 2/3 of them were not fertile. They never did get darker, and they got fungus even though I added fairly strong meds.
I guess I will clean up (remove meds) the tank and get ready to try again. Eventually I have to get one or two that are viable. I hope...

If and when crap stops happening that sucks all my money away... I want some more fish. I am working on a wish list. If I get what I want you will be packing all day long! (especially if you keep shopping!) I may have to rethink the no more tanks thing... That mts is a killer! :lol:

Thanks germ! That is what I was afraid of. I used it because someone told me that it did work on fungus too. I don't remember who told me though. It did stop the fungus on some of the eggs, but I think it was too much for them once they started hatching. I won't do that again. I have ordered the right stuff, but they decided to wait a week before even processing my order. Now I have to wait another week for delivery. I don't think I will be ordering from them again. I had to complain twice just to get them to say that they would try to get it processed in the next 24 hours! They didn't have any trouble processing my payment within minutes of the order!
I agree with germ. I had not heard of using an anti parasite or anti ich medication to stem fungus, but there are lots of things I haven't heard of. I think these guys are still just young and will do better as they gain maturity. I have seen lots of posts about Cories maturing at about a year, so those guys are still babies. Doesn't mean they don't want to practice! :D They are peppers after all. Although my aeneus never take a year to get it right!

Where did the idea to use Clout come from?

How hard is your water?
I think they told me when I called foster and smith one time. I'm not positive though. It has been a while. I could have them confused with one of the other places I order from, but I don't think so.

My water is soft. It usually runs what is about 65 on the quick dip things. (between very soft and soft... a little closer to soft)

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