I didn't add meds. I decided to stop.
I noticed a little fungus starting today! I have now added more clout.

I hope it isn't too late.
None of the eggs have tried to hatch yet. The tank isn't as warm as before so I guess it is going to take a little longer. More time for me to stress the fungus thing... I wish they would hurry up and hatch. I usually have pretty good luck with them once they hatch. The eggs are what I have the most trouble with.
I will be happy if I can just get 4 or 5 to hatch and live. I would really like to get a couple of females at least. I only have one. If anything happened to her it would be over. That's not good.
I had to remove the rotala from the tank. The clout was killing it. The moss still looks ok though.
I will be glad when the meth and egg tumbler (shrimp hatchery) gets here. I ordered the one you hook a 2 liter bottle to. I hope it works. I just have to figure out what size air pump to use with it.
I ordered it from aquariumguys. I have never used them before, but I was told they were good. I figured I would give them a try. I guess we will see.
I will check back in later. I have to try to sleep now.