My Long Fins Are Spawning Again... They Won't Hatch!

When I used to breed kribs, I used a fungicide. Did this with my cherry barbs and dwarf platies too, though I was a lot more lax with that. I used Maroxy by Mardel, but at 1/3-1/2 of its normal strength, I did a partial water change right before each treatment, and I didn't treat for more than 3-5 days, afterwhich, I did a large water change and gave the tank a rest. I don't know if that'll help with cories, though. They tend to get freaky with meds. If it were me, I'd try upping the water changes first, or let them just practice. My kribs were pretty dumb at first too, took about 3-4 attempts before I was able to raise fry to adulthood. Stupid parents kept fanning and then eating the eggs. Fan, don't eat! :hyper: :rolleyes:

Good luck, I hope you get lucky next time.

I tried maroxy the time before. I have tried a different med with each batch of eggs trying to find something that would work. This is the first time that they didn't all fungus.
So far I have tried melafix and pimafix, maracin I & II, maroxy, and clout.
I ordered and payed for the meth blue, but I cancelled the order tonight. It only took them 1 day to get the money from my bank, but 5 days later they still have not even started to process my order. That is just not cool! I won't order from them again! Now I have to start all over. This time I will use a company that I know I can count on.
Just to jump on this again i read a paper a while back (can no longer locate it) that associated similar compunds to those used in Clout with brain injury and serious protein breakdown and emaciation in fish :crazy:
You could try looking for meds containing Phenoxyethanol, i've heard this has mild fungicidal properties......
Then again i've heard of more people touting Methylene blue as succesful than anything else so would probably put that at the top of my list.
Out of the meds you have used so far i think only the Maroxy and possibly the Pimafix would have been suitable for your purpose, although i'm in no way 100% certain.
Good luck with the next batch!
Meth blue is what I had ordered, but aquariumguys were still just sitting on my order. It also had an egg tumbler and fish food, 2 glass lids, and many more items. I am still confused as to why they never processed my oreder. I am ordering today with a company I know will get it sent to me.
If they will keep laying the eggs I am determined to find a way to get them to live.
Thanks again!
I ordered on Friday so it won't ship till Monday. :rolleyes:
I think they knew it. They started spawning again today! :crazy:
I think they are trying to make me crazy. They know I can't just leave them. :blink:
So... me being me... I went through my fish boxes gathering items to play with.I got an old broken gravel siphon (I keep everything for just this reason) and some other bits and pieces...
I made a temporary egg tumbler... :hyper:
I have tons of pics of what I did. I love pics!
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:blink: They cam up out of order... I tried to fix it, but it didn't work. Sorry. :blush:
It is just an old siphon whith a piece of spong filter stuck in the bottom and an air hose stuck in the hole.
I added a one way valve and one of those things that lets you control the strength of the flow in the air hose.
I used rubber bands to hold things in place... even the suction cup that keeps it up.
It is working fairly good so far.
The only problem I have found so far is that sometimes an egg will get caught in the bubbles at the top and sort of sick there above the water. I have not found a solution for this yet. I am having to watch it very close.
There are almost 60 eggs in there! :hyper:
I added a couple of drops of maroxy just to be on the safe side... I don't know how much water it holds though so I can't dose the way I should.
I guess we will see...

edit: One big detail was left out. I had to remove the little round cover thing that falls down to cover the hole. It was one of the easy start ones that has the stopper thing that falls to keep the water from going the wrong way. It won't work if that isn't removed from the hole in the blue thing on the bottom. (I don't know what it is called)
Amanda: the girl who proves the maxim on American ingenuity

I found some tiny, tiny eggs in the miniture Cory tank with the arcuatus, melini, San Juans, LF pandas and lps pandas. I put the whole plastic plant with the disc on the bottom in the only net that is hatching and growing fry right now.

I can have two nets right beside each other; in one the eggs and/or fry just disappear, and in another the eggs hatch and the fry grow up.
:dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
That is kind of odd. :blink:
I didn't know you had the little ones or the long fin pandas. Maybe I just forgot... :blush:
what is lps pandas?
I am going to have to make a list of all of your fish so I can keep up with what you have. :lol:
How are your new ones doing?
When will I get to see the rest of them?
If you check my profile, you will see a list of the tanks and fish--well some of the latest changes may not be up dated.

LPS pandas are the ones you buy at the local store. Most are from fish farms in Asia (think puppy mills.) (Some may be locally aquarium bred.) They are small and not as hardy as the wild caught. They do not breed well, are more easily stressed and delicate, have shorter life spans.

The small Cory tank is on the bottom of a double decker and gets very little attention, other than maintenance. I want to make some changes there, but I haven't been able to get to it. The San Juans will breed for me, but the tank is hard to get to and so I have not stayed up with working with them. I had some fry from the San Juans and some major spawns, then the tank crashed, I lost the fry and the breeder lady. There is still a San Juan couple there who occasionally spawn, but not recently that I have been aware of. I don't remember their eggs being this small though. These eggs are teeny tiny--maybe an eigth of an inch.
Just thought I would check in before I leave to let you know the egg tumbler is working great so far. No fungus yet, and no mishaps.
I am now at the point where I usually start to lose them so we will see what happens this time.
I will check in when I get back.
I had to add a heater to the tank. 2 days in a row the temp dropped below 70. That can't be good! :blink:
The eggs still haven't hatched, but they don't have fungus either.
With the temp being so low will that make it take a lot longer to hatch, or will they not be any good now?

Thanks :good:
I think it takes longer.

I just finally took a group (16) of long fin peppers to the Local Pet Store (3rd generation lps--been here all my life.) The Fish manager liked them very much and gave me a good price--more than I expected. He said they were little cuties and looked very good (made that to mean quality/health.) So I am a proud mama today. :hyper: I also took in a batch of bronze breeders--the whole tank. He was also very happy with them, although he asked me to keep it at 20 or less next time. :rolleyes:

How is your danio lady?
I really hope they make it. Right now they are just laying there not moving. It is really hard to tell if they are alive or not! I am going to do a water change in a few. I will try to see if they will move a little then. I really hope they do!
I finally got my stuff in. I am ready for the next batch of eggs... I think.

A little note... The eggs that hatched were not the darker ones. It was the ones that I was going to remove because of fungus! I guess that proves that eggs that are white and have a little fuzz could turn out to be albino with a tail!

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