My Long Fins Are Spawning Again... They Won't Hatch!


Fish Herder
Oct 6, 2006
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Ok... I have 103 eggs. (of this kind)
These fungus every time on me. I really want these to live. I have tried maroxy and pima and mela fix on other batches with no luck. What can I do to stop the fungus. I have them in a net in the same tank with the parents for now. I have to clean up my fry tank before I can move them. I am going to get that done tonight. I have to move the older ones out and change the water. Then I can start over with the new ones. I have 2 other sets spawning also. I don't have trouble with the other kinds though. Just these...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

By the way... what is meth blue? Is it the same as quick cure? That is blue... (dumb question... I know)

Cool! I am about to order some stuff from them any way. I will just add it to the list. Can you use it in a planted tank? My fry/egg tank is planted. I get much better results... I have a planted 10g just for eggs and small fry. Then they go to the 29g to grow. All of my tanks are planted though. The only thing that I have that isn't planted is a 1/2g betta tank that I use to put them in when I move them from one tank to another. It isn't big enough for anything to actually live in. I also use it for salt baths and stuff like that when one gets sick. It is just right for a quick dip.

Is it safe for plants?
I guess I could find a glass bowl to use if not.

I am going to work on a tank again... Be back later! I will be looking for pics in your thread...
What service is your son in?

I have only slept 3 hrs in the last-- don't know; I am fried--couple of days.

I did take some pics of the Weitzmani and the blacks. But I just I am not ready to play with them, and I don't know if there is one good enough to even mess with. The prionotus are not at all more than tiny see through babies. I don't know how they will do to take pics. I have an offer to take my car to have a free--you know sanding rubbing thing--tomorrow morning. So I have to do that. :)

Then lots of fishy work to take care of, too, before I can play. So we will see. :look:
He was in a volutary program the Army National Guard does. It is called Youth Challenge. He lived on the base for 6 months. They did Hard Core first (basic training) then school. He graduated 7/28/07. He has to report to them for the next year so they can keep up with what he is doing and make sure he follows the rules. If does he will get a small monthly check. Now he has applied to Job Corps. For that one he will live at one in Baton Rouge for up to 2 years. He wants to take carpentry and heavy equipment operation. Both of them you have to apply and pray you get in. They pay for putting you through school, and you pay by letting them work you into the ground. It is like signing up without the full commitment. It is to help kids get a better education that couldn't afford to do it themselves. He says that once he finishes that he wants to join (maybe) the Navy. He is only 17 now so he has some time to think about it. He likes the Army too. I'm just glad he is home for a while.

I have to get some of my pics put on disc so I can make some room to load some more. I have so many on here that I have almost no memory left, and I have added a gig to what I had already. I think I am going to have to get an external hard drive just for pics.

I redid the fry tank today. Now I have to get the eggs in. I tried putting the net over the bubble thing, but the bubbles won't go through the net. They just build up, and then they roll out from under it. I don't know why they won't go up through it.

Do the bubbles go through yours? How do you get it to do that?
I must have the wrong kind of net. It is one of those Wal-Mart sells.

We have to go get school clothes and supplies in the morning. Shay is starting pre-k this year.
The air bubbles do the same thing in mine, but although it looks like they are all rolling off, some goes through and there is some movement going on--not like an egg tumbler, but some extra water movement. It also provides some upward movement when the fry hatch tohelp them make the lung fill journy--if that is what they must do as some have said.

Maybe the boys or girls just aren't old enough yet to produce viable eggs. I find it seems like the young one's eggs aren't as fruitful as they are when they get older. Your lf are still young. The fact that they are fungusing would be a symptom of that also.

Well good for him for making it through the program. Congratulate him for me. The good programs are tough.
I will tell him.

The eggs are brown this time. Maybe some of them will make it. I hope so. This fungus thing is bothering me.
This is the first batch of the albino bronze that were brown too. I really hope some of them hatch and live too.
I added maroxy to the tank. I hope that helps. I am going to get the meth blue ordered this weekend. That way I will have it for the next batch.
I also got me a 2 liter bottle. I am going to try to make a tumbler this weekend if I have time. I think that might work better than the nets. The water isn't moving much at all like this. The only problem is that I don't want to mix the eggs. Not that it would make any difference. They all get let go into the tank together once they hatch. I just like knowing how many of each kind hatches, and they all look kind of alike at first. They are too small for me to tell what they are.
I am still contemplating what I might be able to do to get more water movement. There are too many eggs sitting in places where nothing is moving. I can't stand to lose fish.
Maybe if I sit something in the center of the net to weigh it down that would stop the air from making one big bubble at the bottom. Then maybe some would be forced to go through it instead of around it. At the very least it should stop the eggs from gathering in the corners where there is no movement at all. I think I am going to go see what I have. It is worth a try. Hopefully it will stop some of the noise too. It is loud when the big bubbles roll out from under the net. The tank is in my bedroom. I will never be able to sleep with that going on. The pumps and filters and stuff don't bother me, but this is a little much. I have 2 tanks in here.
be back in a few... we will see if it will work...
It may have worked...
I added a few ceramic tank ornaments and some rocks in the bottom of the nets. The water is moving a little more. I still don't see bubbles going through the net, but the water at the top is moving some now. There is a lot less noise too.
So far... so good...
I guess we will soon see.
They turned brown, then fungussed! I have now lost all of them! I'm getting a tumbler. Maybe that will work.
:sad: :X

I got called to work early last night, had to throw some food at the little ones and run w/o even any coffee.

This morning another black was dead. :( I now have three.

The Scleramystax are doing good. And I think I see the Aspidora is ok. I can't count the Weitzmani. They are hiding more and not out all together. They look a little pale though.

I just have not got it down yet with that size fry. The water really needs to be kept very good and I have 4 days a week + that I work long hours. The tank also needs to be well establish, so it's not like I can just set up and seed a new tank.

I don't know what's up with the eggs. Just keep trying. You will work it out and the peppers aren't going any place. :nod: You have an unlimited supply of eggs.
They have layed aout 8 more. I set a tank divider in there to keep them from eating them. I am going to try to see if they will hatch in the origional tank when left alone. They are 2 days old and so far they are ok. I guess we will see.
Those got fungus too!

They gave me a few more yesterday. This time I was desperate... I put them in the fry tank and added clout. They are good for now. I hope this works till my meth blue and egg tumbler gets here.

We have to go to church now. I will check back later tonight.

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