I sure did miss alot while I was at work today....FEELIN' THE HATE!

Bring it on bullies!
.....I am sure am glad I have no idea who you are, or where you are from, because being the person I am and all... I DO NOT appreciate being called names BY ANYONE (except when I deserve it and all....and that is pretty much only from Julie

) .....kind of angers me a wee bit.
Idiot. No.
The hobby is destroyed or on it's way because of me. Definitely. (spelled properly

....and, yup, I also personally, with my own life creating hands, intentionally put these fish on the face of the planet.....HOW COOL AM I!!!

What power I possess!!!

I guess I should have bolded/fonted/itallicized/EXTRA LARGED/and used GLEAM color when I said THAT IT WAS A FREAKING ACCIDENT!!!
As for the frontosa comment.....did I ONCE claim or lead you to believe that I was stupid enough to claim that this VERY oddly colored fish was a pure yellow OR perlmutt?

Good call on that reference by the way....pretty sneaky.

You are like a literary ninja aren't ya?
One more for for killing the fry and the parents....sounds pretty humaine to me....have alot of respect for aquatic life huh? Sounds like you are just into the hobby and have no care for the fish to me. If you want the fish dead, how about you come on over (I'll make some coffee...)....kill them and then we will see what happens after that. Okay?

Here is my advice for you.....take a lesson in grammar, after you get home from school, get your mom to warm you some milk and have a nice long nap. Sounds like you are teething and need a bit of a rest to get rid of some that crank.
One more thing, I myself have learned that UK forums don't much appreciate the "w" word being used on them. It's a BAYID word!!! ....phew next....
OooOo....I failed to notice you came back to stutter and blurb out more ummmm....stuff.

Looks like you need a spelling class too. Good luck with school, expert fish keeper!
.....Now you have a few more manners in you, don't you?

Good boy.

You can run along now.....and remember to not question others intelligence....questioning your own will do you alot more good.

(look I made your name blue!

I bet you like that, huh?) Play nice.
...and if I did not mention earlier....thanks for stopping by the friendliest forum around!
Thank you for your orders, Dad. Right away sir. Also, thank you for TELLING me what to post. I will STRESS that you and your "friends" have gone WAY overboard and should maybe think a little harder about things before you just barge in and start attacking....I NEVER said that I intentionally bred them. I NEVER said that I was going to distribute them. I DID NOT by any means encourage ANYONE to create their own hybrids....(Go on guys and girls, giver a go! Everyone's doing it!

) I have one request for you also....when speaking to Julie, instead of using her name, I think Your Highness is more fitting from your standpoint. Okay?
Thanks for coming out guys! Gonna miss ya! for you rollntider....YOU ROCK!