My hybrids are growing up!

l00b3r said:
I agree with MalawiBlue you are a complete idiot for even thinking of putting such an abomination of a fish into the fish world. as MB said, its people like you who ruin the hobby, Look at the condition of the Peacocks.

if there is any way to describe you, it is as a PURE MORON.

I hope you never effect the world of fish with you stupid messed up hybrid abomination, because only a freaking idiot would do something to stupid.

Bet you would be pissed off if you bought a Hybrid Frontosa Zaire Blue / Mpimbwe Blue cross when you thought you were getting pure Zaire's. WOULDNT YOU.

I have said what I want to say, but I encourage you to kill the fry and the parents and stop those breeding habits.


Please refrain from personal insults :) They are uncalled for and 'no member bashing' is rule #1 here at TFF, don't know how you guys do it where you come from but it doesn't sound like a friendly forum :crazy:
Cool fish FM :cool:

And to all you people who hate freaks of nature: how can you look at a jackolope and say it isn't cute :p
That is a really beautiful fish. And awesome pictures, as always. =)

I don't like blood parrots and other manmade (and forced) crosses. But freshmike isn't selling these ones or even intented this to happen. I think is terrible to mix two different species on purpose and intenting to profit on them. But freshmike isn't doing that.
WOW!!! :blink:

I sure did miss alot while I was at work today....FEELIN' THE HATE! :D Bring it on bullies! :flex:

Anyway.....l00b3r :flowers: .....I am sure am glad I have no idea who you are, or where you are from, because being the person I am and all... I DO NOT appreciate being called names BY ANYONE (except when I deserve it and all....and that is pretty much only from Julie :p ) .....kind of angers me a wee bit. :D
Idiot. No.
The hobby is destroyed or on it's way because of me. Definitely. (spelled properly :p )
....and, yup, I also personally, with my own life creating hands, intentionally put these fish on the face of the planet.....HOW COOL AM I!!! :hyper: What power I possess!!! :flex: I guess I should have bolded/fonted/itallicized/EXTRA LARGED/and used GLEAM color when I said THAT IT WAS A FREAKING ACCIDENT!!!
As for the frontosa comment.....did I ONCE claim or lead you to believe that I was stupid enough to claim that this VERY oddly colored fish was a pure yellow OR perlmutt? :D Good call on that reference by the way....pretty sneaky. :hyper: You are like a literary ninja aren't ya? :ninja:
One more for for killing the fry and the parents....sounds pretty humaine to me....have alot of respect for aquatic life huh? Sounds like you are just into the hobby and have no care for the fish to me. If you want the fish dead, how about you come on over (I'll make some coffee...)....kill them and then we will see what happens after that. Okay? :hyper: :hey: :D Here is my advice for you.....take a lesson in grammar, after you get home from school, get your mom to warm you some milk and have a nice long nap. Sounds like you are teething and need a bit of a rest to get rid of some that crank. :D
One more thing, I myself have learned that UK forums don't much appreciate the "w" word being used on them. It's a BAYID word!!! ....phew next....

OooOo....I failed to notice you came back to stutter and blurb out more ummmm....stuff. :D Looks like you need a spelling class too. Good luck with school, expert fish keeper! :D

BlueMage :flowers: .....Now you have a few more manners in you, don't you? :D Good boy. :nod: You can run along now.....and remember to not question others intelligence....questioning your own will do you alot more good. :nod: (look I made your name blue! :hyper: I bet you like that, huh?) Play nice.
...and if I did not mention earlier....thanks for stopping by the friendliest forum around! :D

Chigawaa :flowers:
Thank you for your orders, Dad. Right away sir. Also, thank you for TELLING me what to post. I will STRESS that you and your "friends" have gone WAY overboard and should maybe think a little harder about things before you just barge in and start attacking....I NEVER said that I intentionally bred them. I NEVER said that I was going to distribute them. I DID NOT by any means encourage ANYONE to create their own hybrids....(Go on guys and girls, giver a go! Everyone's doing it! :p ) I have one request for you also....when speaking to Julie, instead of using her name, I think Your Highness is more fitting from your standpoint. Okay? :p

Thanks for coming out guys! Gonna miss ya! :byebye: for you rollntider....YOU ROCK! :D


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I think they are nice looking fish and are accidents. The fish didn't know or care. FM isn't selling them and he didn't do it on purpose. So what if other people try it as long as they don't sell them. They were closely related and FM probably had them in the same tank because they were a pretty combination of fish. Because they were similar they bred. FM doesn't want to kill his babies and certanly not the parents. I guess we're all just a messed up forum so you should just go back to your perfect one. So long :grr:
:D I think I will name him...hmmmm.....Matt. After my good buddy, l00b3r. :D


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Malawiblue said:
What kind of example are you setting for new hobbyists? They'll see that hideous unnatural man-made creation and think "oh, thats a pretty fish." Why would you purposely show off such a terrible example of fishkeeping? If you have allowed your fish to hybridize you should cull the fry so that the pure strains of fish remain that way, PURE. Not be proud of owning some freaks of aquarium breeding. People like you ruin this hobby and all the work that has gone to protecting and breeding true species. Either one of those fishes parents are far more beautiful than the monstrosity that you have allowed to exist.

If you like your fish, then by all means, keep it, just don't show it off as something to be proud of. All you are accomplishing by this post is that it makes it seem ok for people to mix fish that look far better in there natural form. There are already too many hybrid fish in this hobby, please do not encourage it by showing off these "pretty" fish.

Please think twice before posting something like this again. I would be glad to explain myself further if you would like.

Hey bub before you jump down his throat for something his fish did (I know Chris here wasn't mateing the fish himself) mabey you should look at the situation.
1)These fish live together in nature so it wasn't wrong of him to keep them together
2)These fish hybridize in nature so it wasn't wrong of him to let the offspring live (because nature lets them live)
3)They are sterile for the most part (just like the horse donkey mule thing these fish will not polute bloodlines)

If you want to get rid of dangerouse hybrids (ones that can polute genetic lines) Why not get may at flower horn owner or jelybean parot owners or blood parot owners or Leopord Danio owners not FM his fish did whatt they do in nature and he thought it was pretty and worthy of shareing and you tear into him there are things in nature that do that thoght they are called jackales guys are like a warm blanket! Maybe even a warm skirt......(thanx Adrinal... :p ) Thanks for the support.....maybe you are more like a warm bra? :huh: :p
freshmike said:
:D I think I will name him...hmmmm.....Matt. After my good buddy, l00b3r. :D
pity not all *%&$ can have names like that isnt it, or yours would be the best name of all.

you are pathetic.

you sire are a noob. My work mate said you are a complete idiot and wished me to pass this on.

"People like you have ruined the hobby, boasting about a man made fish is nothing to be proud of, its the reason honest people have to constantly mark fish as mixed africans or mixed fish. People like you and your hybrid buddies are making the work harder for the honest people who try their hardest to keep legitimate strains of fish going well".

and a comment from me,

If I knew you in real life, I would come poisen your water supply.

Instead of being a celebration of fish this thread has degenerated into a torrent of abuse. It could have been a wonderful opportunity to discuss hybrids, how they happen and how they should be managed in the aquarium. IMO personal attacks on people characters have no place in this forum.

These are wonderful photos of some very beautiful fish that are being kept by a responsible fish keeper. They will not be on sold or distributed into the hobby to dilute the genes of either species. Let's leave it there.

l00b3r said:
freshmike said:
:D I think I will name him...hmmmm.....Matt. After my good buddy, l00b3r. :D
pity not all assholes can have names like that isnt it, or yours would be the best name of all.

you are pathetic.

you sire are a noob. My work mate said you are a complete idiot and wished me to pass this on.

"People like you have ruined the hobby, boasting about a man made fish is nothing to be proud of, its the reason honest people have to constantly mark fish as mixed africans or mixed fish. People like you and your hybrid buddies are making the work harder for the honest people who try their hardest to keep legitimate strains of fish going well".

and a comment from me,

If I knew you in real life, I would come poisen your water supply.

As for the name, nope, you have pretty much maxed out any negativity that the name could ever have.

Pathetic. Nope. I believe you are. Coming onto a forum and bashing very good members...I am a member of your community as well, over a year now....and still have not been bothered to post there....probably will now....wouldn't mind mucking up the place as you have here.

I sire are a noob. Sire is right. Noob is incorrect by all means of what you could possibly mean by it....who knows if you even know, or if you even have a mind of your own. Did your "work mate" tell you to write all of this stuff...or did your mom help you after your nap? (sounds like it needed to be a bit longer btw...)

As for man made fish....a man made fish is not a is manufactured. I don't recall pointing at the fish and demanding that they "get it on" so to speak......were you peeking in through the windows when I had the fish in my hands squeezing out eggs and milt in order to MAN MAKE these fish? Remember, I was naked too? Fun. That was a good day indeed. Would you like to bash me for owning O.B.'s as well? Or how about the fact that I have over 8 species of mbuna in one tank, that are liable to interbreed as well? Why stop where you have....I am sure mom has alot more to say....and just wait until dad gets home....then I am REALLY in for it huh? OOoOoOoo and the BIG will like this one. The fact that I have malawis and tanganyikans in THE SAME TANK!!! That's a nail biter eh?
Bet you are having a heart attack as we poor thing.

As for the poisen in the water....don't you know that mutts have way better immune "IMPURE" fish would be just fine in your poisen....whatever poisen is, Mr. Spelling King. Oh and if you were referring to POISONING me....I am a mutt too.....4 different nationalities....sort of a hybrid if you will....I should be "put down" too huh?

One more thing. I believe a moderator already warned you that name calling and bashing will not be tolerated on this forum, let alone swearing.....maybe you should get on up and take your "wanna be cichlid connaisseur" ~attitude~ with you, back to your own snooty far as I can see, you are not welcome far as your friends go, at least they were half-way mature about their comments....something a child such as yourself (no reference to age intended) obviously had no common sense to do as the way buddy....Matt the fish says hi. :D

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